






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

My name is Penny Haviland and I live in the Pacific Northwest area just north of Seattle, Washington.

Photography has been my passion going back to when the swinger polaroid was developed. (first camera) Photography is a great for expressing ones self in a creative way. It took some convincing to move to digital but once the move was made there's never been any regrets.

As a self taught photographer, each day I try to learn something new. I'm hoping to be as good as some individuals that are producing outstanding work. It's truly amazing and inspiring to see these creations.

My choice of tool is a Minolta 7D.

Married 31 years, with two amazing children and three grandchilden.

Recently I was blessed to be able to travel to Israel and Egypt. My camera and I were very busy to say the least. We shot 2200 images. Of course about 1/4 of them were trashed right away. So please bare with me over the next few months while I add them to my gallery of images. Walking where my Lord Jesus Christ walked was amazing and I'm already looking forward to going back to do it again! God Bless!

Artist Highlights