






T he definitions of and artist Staring at the abyss ........The stains, of painting a future Passions, of being an artist, the little notation of a little, comments that beautifies the moments of creating a master piece, which brings to life the visions, of the painters brush the self madness For the time well spent, captures the mind and holds it for ransom, and value’s the intentions, of intent . Beauty that commands respect and thirsts for the opinions of the un skill talent ‘s of the uncommon spectator’s . The reasons for existing in these moments of glory, where passion and selfishness that cleanses your visions of so call fantasy and brands your body hart and soul with a peace of mind , with the factors of perfecting your talent’s which brings you to the place, full of temptations ,where doubting one’s self achievements burns the hole, in your very soul, the uncertainly of personal desirers that life long ambitions have now mended together ,commanding the respect of, every stroke, stain ,blemish, blend that has value’s in its self as a painting , as the painters creation is stealing the moments of your time .... the justification for living in the moment. .........How else can you explain the passions of being an artist painter, that gently blows the mind of others, with the beauty of self awareness, allowing the shadows of light and darkness expressing in every stroke of a paint brush the self pity’s that commands your intentions as the spectator ........ like an unforseen magic trick of wonders and why’s of what the artist was thinking. ...........and Staring at...... The blank canvas starving for a reason to exist as the painters mind adds the colors of paint and changes the visions and exploitations of a picture that him self is imagining, that is planted in his or her’s mind is now part of , the beginnings of creating and bringing to life a master piece already painted but has no form, but is an unseen imagination of an idea, a place where matter is without reasonable meaning or form but doesn’t exist without a purpose of the vision. What school teaches that course , the class of self vision, the passions of creating nothing from nothing, the qualifications That labels you an artist is now the opinions of your customer’s .The un skill talents and visions of the uncommon spectators, that qualifies a perfect stranger to praise the value’s of your talents, and the skills that you master is now being judges for its glorifying beauty . The perfection of purpose and form . . . the reasons to exists ....the cost that adds value to self esteem, and fuels one’s ego.. How much more of this master piece of words needed to be read , putting the words of colors and painting on my canvas of ones life story..... hiding in the shadows of a system. With the fears of the unknown that handicaps my ability’s to function with in the light of society....... restricted by my fears of not succeeding and damage by the health issues That control a major parts of my life. I dream of being successful but my ambitions for succeeding lacked the courage Needed. The dreamer of hopes without a foundation to stand on, like .The smoke of a fire without a wind. painting as a hobby....... give's me moments of solitude when there are no nonstressful moments and I find that pace of mind to do so, when the music takes me on a journey to the place where I enter a zone of peacefulness as I begin to throw paint on a blank canvas and look into the abyss of colors and find the beginnings of a new master piece ready for me to bring it to life.... where truth in meaning finds imagination an adventure of a passion leading me into a journey of what could be a beautiful moment, the mind with some unknown wisdom..... as the creator leads my hand and grants me his will, the power of creation to bring to life ....a beautiful work of art.... a master piece of a place in a time that never was, A moment of intent. The beautiful reasons of selfish moments of being an artist from a canvas of darkness.... the fantasy's full of reasons. with passion to create...the next painting.....staving for comments of self worth......personal value with just a little dignity with a reason to continue as the unknown artist painter ....... paints.

3 Images for sports