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13 Jun, 2024

The Imposter syndrome and self-doubt are like little devils digging through my mind. It is difficult to create and think in a self-sabotaging way to believe that after creating the art it is good enough to evoke some feeling from those who see it


29 Mar, 2024

So I am sitting here bedridden, waiting to hear whether or not I can go anywhere because the ordered TRANSPORTATION did not come through. There’s diversity and adversity in being an artist and disabled and 65 these are challenges to be my challenges to overcome. Art just by being what it is, is a technical process of reflecting on your inner soul. Sharing that with others is the hardest thing to do letting go after sale is like letting go of yourself and your gaining back a part of yourself as well. let’s face it getting affirmation is nice by sharing, but being able to become comfortably secure is amazing And for me and go not reached yet


19 Jan, 2024

I don’t know what to think or so. I’m trying find out how to make a smart contract so that I can post NFTs into the crypto world


06 Nov, 2023

Added quite a number of images that are variations on the them of “Of An Orange Circle”


30 Jul, 2023

In all my crazy wandering in my life I never would’ve thought to land in the world of art. Art has always been a part of my life from childhood on, but nothing (I thought) really serious for public viewing. Who would’ve thought I’d be in this particular spot. I’ve done a few extraordinary things. One such adventure as biking from the Twin Cities of Minnesota to the Black Hills of South Dakota and back again-at Fifteen years old. More on that later. Then then during summer of my junior-senior year of high school there was the National Science Foundation certificate project. “Life Sciences for the Secondary Student” Program. That was held at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Lots of stories. But through it all there was art. Museums, Galleries, Musical Theater and Drama. All of that was such a wonderful foundation. Those times were really something. But nothing like what was to come.
