• Jasmine Becket-Griffith
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  • Added 27 Oct 2015
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Dinosaur Friends:  Requiem

Based on a true story! Well, kind of. When I was a little girl my "imaginary friends" were dinosaurs that would come out of the walls when I'd lie in bed at night. I remember it completely as being 100% real. I wasn't afraid of them, I was very obsessed/preoccupied with dinosaurs back then (still am, actually). I also like to think that this piece shows the process of extinction and of time passing. The girl is obviously in an era previous to our own (a sort of Rococo or slightly Victorian feel), but much more recent than the prehistoric scene behind her. The birds and butterfly she is shown with (Ivory Billed Woodpecker, Black Faced Honeycreeper, the Choiseul Crested Pigeon and the Urania Sloanus butterfly) all look like contemporary animals to us but they are all in fact extinct, having gone extinct only in the past several decades, in our lifetimes. Side note - there are those who think that the Ivory Billed Woodpecker is not extinct, and I am among that camp. Matt & I regularly go birding here in central Florida on the lookout for them (several have been spotted but not confirmed in the area). Haven't seen any triceratops though. This piece debuted at my Birds and Beasties show in Seattle at the Eight and Sand Gallery. My original acrylic painting. Prints available at http://www.zazzle.com/strangeling * and http://www.strangeling.com


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Cathy Holford 29 Oct 2015

Nicely done Jasmine!

John Cappello 27 Oct 2015

Very Pretty