





Artist Bio

HOW-D-DO!!! I am known by many as GrannyPossm. Live on our ranch along the Brazos River. Love the country life. One of my hobbies is taking pictures that are not seen in everyday life. So that means I have a camara at all times. Weather it be in the truck,on the tractor,walkin, or chasin the cows. Bred,born and raised in Texas. Married a yank but I don't hold that against him (he's in Texas now) Please enjoy my pictures and your welcom to buy any prints I have shown. I have sold several pictures and have been hired to take pictures. Lets say I just enjoy taking pictures. Mom to 3 gals SM to 2 gals,MIL to 3 sweet fellows and GrannyPossm to 9 beatuiful grandwranglers.

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