• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 17 Jul 2007
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Brother Sun

Where does the wind go? Where does the sun hide? Where is my homeland? Where am I going? The ancients pondered the riddles of life. They knew more of the earth, sun, moon and stars than some today. Living in balance. Working to live rather than living to work. They knew that there is not much value in needless material things. The useless can slow down the nomad and enslave them where they stand. They knew that you cannot free the slave if they love their chains. Are we different than those ancients or are we brothers to the Sun and sisters to the Moon? Are we? Only we can answer that for ourselves. Quo vadis! visionary imagist "Joey"

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annette steens 24 Jul 2007

working to live are wonderful words! We can only live in balance when the big breath is streaming free through us! We Can do Nothing by ourselves! A super painting with deep insight! We are all in One.

Artist Reply: Annette: I continue to travel the road less travelled. Yet, I still find many friends who travel the road with me. I believe that you are on that road too. Your companionship is comforting. Thank you my pilgrim friend.

Olga van Dijk 22 Jul 2007

A B S O L U R L Y STUNNING mt friend.... I agree with Margaret... it's so balanced. Do you use a lot of acra gold? That's that wonderful brown/orangy/golden look you have in lots of your paintings! Beautiful and warm! You have your own GALLERY???? LUCKY GUY!! --Love and Light~OLGA

Artist Reply: Olga: Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me. I have been very busy lately and it seems there is never enough time but I would never not reply to such wonderful artists, such as yourself, that I have found at Art Wanted. Please stop back anytime and thanks for your comments.

Margaret Platt 22 Jul 2007

Amazing work, I feel like I just want to sit here ans star at it.I would say you are very balanced with your world.Wonderful!

Artist Reply: Margaret: Thank you for such kind comments. I am glad that you found my site and I yours. I beleve we share like-minded attitudes not only in art but in life as well. Please do stop over again. I would enjoy sharing with you some more. Again thanks!!

NVJasmin Rodriguez Garcia 21 Jul 2007

excellent work!!!!I went to visit your site and all is excellent!!!!I want to read your Bio more about the artist is that possible????

Artist Reply: NVJasmin: Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my work, do so anytime. I have been very busy at my art gallery and studio. Painting and teaching take up most of my time. I have committed myself to adding more about me, articles and such, as soon as I get some more free time. I you wish I will add you to my art watch and try to keep you posted. I intend to have a book about my art and my texts wriiten in the future. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Again thanks!!

Kathryn Arruda 20 Jul 2007

Beautiful composition, color, subject matter and accompanying text!! Thanks for sharing-

Artist Reply: Kathyrn: Thank you for coming by and spending some time with my art. Your views are greatly admired by me. Stop back anytime I do appreciate your comments.