







Portfolio Blog

05 Oct, 2007

Today fall has arrived, it is cold and rainy. My disability causes me to suffer pain when its cold. The deer in our area also come down from the mtns. We hit one on the first in our Toyota p/u, wwe got lucky and didn't get hurt. Blessed be. The deer to my best info also survived. Hope he is ok.


19 Sep, 2007

Thanx to all the wonderfull comments, I appreciate every last one. I do need some help though, anyone with good information on how to get my work out there and make some money at it. I am running out of rescources for materials. I am disabled and on a fixed income that gets smaller every month. Please any good Ideas?


11 Sep, 2007

Well today is another "day that shall live in infamy" September 11th, I give my preyers to all those whom have suffered. I thought long and hard about a piece that may convey my feelings about today but, a blank is all that comes. So for today as my moment of silence my canvas will remain blank.


02 Sep, 2007

Today is the 2nd of Sep. but its a first for me. I did it!!! i made the leep to preferred member, joining the many talented, much moore talented.....oh no what have I done !!!I can't compete with their talent!?!? HA just kidding I KNOW I CAN AT LEAST COMPARE my work with a few of the members here. As my Aunt Alma used to say "Ya-All some damn fine drawers." Hay she was from the south and stuck on the east side of Cleveland most of her life...but I loved her. She would love the fantastic art displayed here as well. Thank-you all for allowing me to exibit my work along side yours.
