• Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 07 Feb 2021
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March of Robots 31st 2020

#MarchOfTheRobots2020 was a blast, I hope everyone enjoyed a look #Inside my head; as I shared stories Ive been perfecting and writing since High School. If anything, perhaps it was something to look forward to while staying in... All art drawn on a Phone, so you never know what you can create until you start! Thankyou all for viewing, especially the everyday fans, who kept me going!...........................................................................................................................just like the end of Last years #Inktober challenge, i wanted to end with a "Thankyou Mash up". All the characters from all the stories are represented in one collaborate picture and this time in color. so its a little strange perhaps to see that Bantron is a military or construction green. im not sure what ppl thought he might look like, in reality he is a robot and can be any color. i went through a few different shades to find a suitable green but it still dosnt look perfect. from far left, Magnetic Jatka is calm, cool and emotionless as his character is. he is a shiny metallic and may appear slower than most humans but he is a real person with thoughts and feelings inside a metal body; he is just a bit held back in his mental development. next to him, the Coconut Robot from Eternal Blue has finally found his Reward! Bachi is smitten with the hero of Rock Guardians, Rock Rottweiler; and Jaques is happy to have them both as his life previous was a lonely one lost and surviving on his own at sea. Bantron smiles and leans on Jaques, giving a subtle thumbs up, obviously he won the tournament... well perhaps in this timeline, if only to make this picture happen for us. :) Tetsuyo the resident robot hater bullies a C-Beta bot from the Rock Guardians storyline, just before realizing he's enormously overshadowed by Trucks, the gentle yet, giant Skateboarding Robot from Grind Gear. and seriously, the stories wouldnt be anywhere without you viewers. Its all for the tiger cubs and young ones to inspire them to be strong as i needed to create my own stories to make it in in life and deal with my emotions. Huge Thanks to my BFF who and everyone else who supported me. March 2020 was a pivotal point in my life, the begginning of a realization; That "this is it" its "All or nothing" i cant keep holding back in life, and im thankful to the inspiration and spiritual guidance, support, and acceptance i found this month and throughout the year. <3

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