




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am twelve years old. I am ambitious in creating things. I just love the scent of bread, the sheen of a blank piece of beautiful white paper. I am ambitious to do it all. See the world. My artwork doesn't really consist on one subject. Because I like to do photography, beading, sculpture, painting, sketching, charcole, everything practically. In my artwork I'm not really consistent. I procrastinate. And I'm not patient. I really want to try fishing but like I said. I'm not patient. I fantisize winning a Noble Peace Prize or a Grammy for some great work or artwork I did. I dream about paintings that I will never have the time to do. I trying to learn latin but I just fantasied, again, that I will learn Latin in a day. I just be patient. I get frustrated when I get interupted to do a job. That's why I have a burning desire to get out and see the world. I also have social problems. So I express myself in paintings instead of socialness. I want to be known. I don't care about being famous. Just known. Just regonized for my great talent that everybody thinks I have. I'm trying to be humble here. I m great at everything I do. Except being social.

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