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TURN THE OTHER CHEEK? ......................May 22, 2002 …VATICAN CITY " Pope John Paul II issued a papal decree absolving priest-molested children of all sin. ………………………… "Though grave and terrible sins have been committed, our Lord teaches us to turn the other cheek and forgive those who sin against us," said the pope, reading a prepared statement from a balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square. "That is why, despite the terrible wrongs they have committed, the church must move on and forgive these children for their misdeeds (I WONDER WHICH CHEEK THE P0PE HAD IN MIND?)……………………………….*"As Jesus said, 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,'" the pope continued. "We must send a clear message to these hundreds—perhaps thousands—of children whose sinful ways have tempted so many of the church's servants into lustful violation of their holy vows of celibacy. The church forgives them for their transgressions and looks upon them not with intolerance, but compassion."- http://www.theonion.com/articles/pope-forgives-molested-children,101/……………………………………………… A decade later … CHICAGO (Reuters) - The number of credible allegations of sexual abuse of minors committed by Roman Catholic priests or deacons in the United States rose 15 percent last year, and the church spent $144 million to deal with the ongoing scandal, according to a church-sponsored audit released on Tuesday………………………….. http://news.yahoo.com/catholic-church-says-child-abuse-cases-rose-2011-224252079. ………………………………………… *And Jesus also said Matthew 5: 29 “if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” I WILL LEAVE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT NEEDS PLUCKING OUT !………………………………………. My picture shows Pope John Paul cast into hell fire, below him you will see his anima and her harp. This is just a fraction of the ancient teachings he should have been teaching which were burnt after 325 AD........................The 3 lightnings represent the trinity.


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keith clampton 29 May 2012

"Let you body become a generator through which this Great Creative Radiating Principle flows. See the Principle as the emanation of all power; know that it is the principle of all power; then, like an electric generator your bodywill collect and magnify this energy until you send it out as a stream of pure white light that nothing can resist and anything directed toward you cannot harm you. You can alsosend such intense impulses of electrical energy over these light beams that the body of the one attempting to harm you will be destroyed. Any resistance to this energy immediately magnifies its volume and therefore its velocity. The ones setting up resistanceagainst it or attempting to set up their personal will only harm themselves. If they do not set up any resistance to this light, it will pour its healing balm through them as it does through you. It is the pureGod-beam and power, which blendswith that of another at all times if there is no resisitanceto its free flow. It vibrates with the highest vibration. Consequently, all are vibrating in perfect harmony and accord and no harm can possibly come to them, as they are in unison with the God vibration. There is absolutely nothing that can harm another unless that one resists the God vibration. Vibration is life ................. You can also use this power to return false and harmful thoughts or desires that are directed toawrd you. You can, if you so desire, step up this white God-beam-light, endow it with God power, magnify and transform the energy the sender has given the thing or condition that was intended for yo, then place it into your reflector and send it back to the sender with the velocity of light. When you return it in this way it is a beam of pure white light, instead of merely lowered vibrations, as it was send to you.. When it reaches the sender, the impulses are so potent that it can destroy the body of the one who first put in motion the lower vibration. It matters not whether you know the sender or the location from which it cam, the vibration will return to its source unerringly....... MASTERS OF THE FAR EAST / BOOK 3 page 33..by Baird T Spalding. Maybe the church is now having this light returned to it.. I would never suggest directing harmfull thoughts etc, JUST RETURN THE ENERGY TO ITS SOURCE WITH PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and the energy will do the rest. X Keith

Artist Reply: Thank you for your visit Keith. Plus your comment. Yes, another way IF the soul who is being attacked is to say WITH LOVE "May your negative vibrations be returned to you MULTIPLIED a million fold." GOod vibrations are then returned to imprint their akashic record book so that they can learn to climb the white ladder and so DESTROY their OLD aspects and through their karma and incarnations reach HOME. The churches have to re think how they have been teaching the word of GOod. It is so very simple, THE KINGDOM/QUEENDOM is WITHIN. Breathe into your a abdomen (EMBRYONIC BREATHING) and the CHILD shows you the door. See Matthew.

Anonymous Guest 28 May 2012

couldnt agreee more..This forgiveness needs to apply to all, otherwise it isnt seeded by love but by self richeousness. Church is lost in power and has nothing to do with love..the only way forward is the acceptance of that which needs to be changed within, then forgiveness and letting go. Remember the "Christ" lay within us all. It needs freeing from the shackles we place on it. Learn to see, then free the love within.

Artist Reply: As you say “ Learn to See then free the love WITHIN”………………. I have to ask a question. What are you ALL seeing? Is what you are seeing influenced, as Phil has been by the horrors of WAR? By what you saw on TV last evening? A conversation you had with a friend who was depressed, did their depression, depress you. This then bound you to their negative VISION?………………Your beach and the SOS has to have a VERY strong foundation. The thoughts you have every second of the day are molding and remolding YOUR garden/beach imperceptibly. CONSCIOUSNESS has to be focused upon with vigor. Unlike Phil Cashdollar most of you will have been spared the emotional HELL of war. However, anger as you think a thought, can be just as devastating on your quantum membrane. Love thoughts ( not sex) can heal all damage, either immediately or slowly like a paint brush, restructuring/reforming with EMOTION the painful original IMPRINT. ………….Having reached this space wholeness begins to envelope your soul, and you can see where LOVE was buried and bound, perhaps lifetimes ago. Cut it free and shout ‘NOW’ we can caress and MANIFEST joy in every thought word and deed.

Tina Davis 27 May 2012

Soon after I saw this picture and had read your words, I had a series of visions. I saw a line of nuns holding staffs topped with crosses in their left hands. They were all walking out, leaving the churches behind. At first there were 22 nuns, then 72, then I was told that there were well over 1,000. The look on their faces said it all. They were all leaving the church behind. The next thing that I knew was one of them had broken her rosary into pieces and placed it in my right hand. I watched as my soul put the fragmented pieces back together with a new energy. Next, I placed it on the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen. That is when I was told that a new era is coming. One where the people of earth would realize that heaven was ‘within’ and that they could find it with your S.O.S. meditation.

Artist Reply: Your visions (unless they change their teachings) 'PREDICT' the end.

Anonymous Guest 27 May 2012

I agree wholeheartedly Ron with what u say below... It is my opinion that your green book would be one of those such teaches that would make an incredible difference if people were ready to listen and make a brilliant 'Bible'!xM

Phil Cashdollar 27 May 2012

Great work Ron... this is part .. of the reason i've lost my faith in religion.. but not in a Higher Power... Religion is made by man but sprirtuality is created from ones soul... if heaven is from within then hell is also... thanks for spreading the message..Phil C-$

Artist Reply: Yes, as you say HELL also. That is why the army service you did for your country, and thousands of others in other conflicts come back suffering from what science calls -'post traumatic stress.' The quantum energy field which everyone is swimming in was IMPRINTED by the horrors you saw. The cord which attaches you to YOUR individualized quantum SEA/Mother/father sent YOUR EMOTION horror picture you saw and IMPRINTED it on this highly sensitive -----I will call it membrane....That is why art for all VETS is so healing...their NEW emotion slowly washes/renews the membrane. ……………………… The churches have lost their way through drinking to often from the chalice of POWER. Then society copied them. The sheep got lost. The shepherds got mesmerised by carrying golden crooks and living in golden palaces. They lost the ability to guide their sheep through the SOS -THE SONG OF THE SEA. The sheep then lost their ability to find this ‘SEA.’ Unless they find this sea they will have to walk on the treadmill of eternal reincarnations.

John Cappello 26 May 2012

Outstanding and Charming work, a Great manner!

Artist Reply: Not everyone will recognize it......and not everyone will want to hear it, BUT if they did, a wave of freedom would lift them to a higher AWAKE VIBRATION. HAGD John

Anonymous Guest 26 May 2012

Great work Ron - simply amazing! xM

Artist Reply: Hi Marie If I may I would like to continue my reply to Phil …..here. We ALL, as you know, have almost become completely drowned by the debris we have cast into our quantum sea since we the sheep were abandoned by the churches on the mountain path as we were slowly climbing back home. They became so paranoid by the ‘word’ sin they created a fake hell so that our EMOTIONS would pump FEAR into our sacred sea. AS ABOVE so below, we have polluted our physical seas. SIN means ‘lack of understanding.’ How can a child have a GOoD understanding if for 2,000 years they have been abused by people who carry crooks that radiate fear and the stench of corruption. It isn’t a question of Christ throwing the moneylenders out of the temple it is when will the mammon created temples be thrown out by the power of GOod?………………The reference to debris is ABOVE internal WITHIN not the plastic (that has MANIFESTED in our physical sea now as plastic bags/chemicals etc etc.) To clean this up WE ALL have to GO WITHIN and clean up our seas of thousands of years of dumping our baggage into it so that we can/could feel free, temporary of its weight. The churches need NEW teaches, the few ancient books that escaped the rabid burning in 325 AD re learnt. The things that need burning today are all horror war films/books/games that children can get access to. NOT the fairy tale so called horror, but anything which creates more poisonous baggage that will pollute their souls for lifetimes........WE NEED VISIONARY SCHOOLS in every village world wide.

Chris Roukema 26 May 2012

Oh Ron! This is the Best Work! May Your Soul Shine for Eternity! Outstanding Work! My POD! & Some!

Artist Reply: Thanks Chris, not everyone will recognize it......and not everyone will want to hear it.