• Will Kirkland
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  • Image 79 of 115
  • Added 01 Oct 2014
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This is a photorealistic colored pencil painting of an old weathered corn crib set back from the road, nestled among evergreen trees. This painting is based on a photograph that I took while on a bicycle ride. I love old farm building and the memories they generate. I decided to add the muted figures in the alley of the building to add a bit of mystery. Who are they? Are they old farmers? Are they remembering when they were young? You decide. Prismacolor Verithin colored pencils were used and the substrate is Dura-lar polyester matte surfaced film. The dimensions of the piece is 11 inches X 14 inches.

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John Cappello 11 Aug 2015

Radiantly Happy Celebration of Spring! Vividly Lite and lively great Creative work!

Artist Reply: John: always good to hear from you. Thanks so much for your gracious comment. It is greatly appreciated. Been visiting family in California and now it's time to get back to work at my art table. Best regards, Will

Carliss Mora 10 Oct 2014

Beautiful! I feel like I'm there.

Artist Reply: Carliss: thanks so much. I love old farm buildings and I like to place ghost like figures in them when possible. I believe that this gives the viewer even more to ponder when viewing the piece. What are they discussing? Who are they? Did they once farm this land? Best regards, Will

ascension nelson 06 Oct 2014

Another masterpiece my friend.(:0)

Artist Reply: Ascension: thanks so much. Again you are perhaps overly generous. But nevertheless, much appreciated. Have a good day and best regards, Will

Anne Whiteway 05 Oct 2014

Will, this is so charming and beautifully accomplished. I like old farm buildings. This is vary inviting. (Thank you for your kind comments.) Blessings to YOU.

Artist Reply: Anne: thank you so much for your generous comments. I too love old farm buildings. I grew up on a small farm in Illinois. Have a good week. Best regards, Will

Tony Durrant 02 Oct 2014

Most beguiling, with a great colour and pattern contrast.

Artist Reply: Tony: thank you so very much for your lovely comment. Most appreciated. I apologize for taking so long to reply. I must have missed the email notice. I'm usually more curtious than taking this long to acknowledge a comment on my work. Have a good day. Best regards, Will