• Lauren Maxwell
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  • Added 31 Mar 2005
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+Shooting Star+

Terri Schiavo...what to say....what to say... Ether way you slice it, whether you were pro her death or not, we can all agree that the end did not justify the means. Whether she was truly responding or simply experienceing bodily reactions is anyone's guess...but the fact of the matter is that we weren't sure which, if I'm not mistaken, means resonable doubt so our congress acted when there was a chance she could feel her self die for TWO FUCKING WEEKS!!?!? So it's okay to give animals and convicts lethal injection but we let this women suffer for fourteen days? WTF? Does it make you feel better to have watched her suffer??? Does our congress get some sick amusement from watching this women wither away??? If she was gonna die, if her 'supposed, off-hand testimony' was to be carried out, why is it that we couldn't just inject her, gas her, ANYTHING'S BETTER THEN STARVATION!!! What? You wanted to make sure that she knew she was dieing? I tell ya what, that autopsy report better come back saying she was perfectly, completely braindead or there's gonna be hell to pay. Ether way, no matter who you are or how you look at it, BIG BROTHER HAS NO RIGHT TO SAY WHO LIVES OR DIES!!! Life only lasts for a little while, death on the other hand lasts forever so wouldn't it be better to be safe then sorry? Her family would have taken care of her, it wasn't costing anyone a dime. If Terri wanted to die then it's Terri's fault for not making a living will. Still, I feel for her. I don't know who she is but I feel as though I should pay her some sort of respect for those two weeks she had to endure so this is for you Terri, this is for you.


Anonymous Guest

Jhatonna Turner 16 May 2006

The action that her stupid, ignorant, uncaring husband took is deplorable! That is creul and unsual. For God sakes she was a human being! Even if she coulnd't respond, she, as your body has nerves, felt pain for fourteen damn days and she was unable to normally react to it. Just give her a shot and kill her painlessy! You shoot a dog in the head to kill it so it doesn't suffer! This was an evil action that he did. Our country and its Christian bases of law and equality is being destroyed day by day by people who don't beileve in God or show the proper respect to a nation that is based on God. It will get worse as the last days come and the revalations come true in the bible but God's glory will also be scintilatin to those who keep believing...Man is bringing on his own destruction by screwing people and by destroying the planet. Its almost time for everything to end....

tim linville 31 Mar 2005

An excellent way to project how you feel,with where she may be.Sorry there's so much to see in this world,that is unkind,and terrible.On the artistic view,you really grabbed the details of the grass!Looking at the night has always made me feel this way:)Sometimes I see old sattelites,and remember mankind has forgotten that too.

Lawrence Hickman 31 Mar 2005

excellant work a true masterpiece very well done

Michelle Phelps 31 Mar 2005

Well said!!! well done.

Christina Borders 31 Mar 2005

Beautiful work. I love the lines and hue variations. Smart piece.

Ben Pletcher 31 Mar 2005

fantastic! The shooting star could be brighter, but that is awesome!!

Bluemoonshadow 31 Mar 2005

I am saddened by her death too... this image is just so perfect to discrive how life is short just like the shooting star... Very well captured mood, Lauren... 10+++

Steve Wonegeshik 31 Mar 2005

Thats a cool silouette, the blue is a great choice of color for this

geri pratt 31 Mar 2005

This is sweet. Really grabs the eye but subtly. Like a whisper rather than a shout.