• Dawn Landrum
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  • Image 32 of 80
  • Added 18 Apr 2005
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Brady Bunch Watch Out! 3

Look closely to see balloons in motion and paint splatters floating after the explosion/in this particular shot the oldest boy decided he didn't want to get painted so he took off running and dad got him in the back. Notice the red splatter cloud left in the air a couple of feet behind him. Apparently the camera caught it a split second after it hit! Almost cartoon-like red explosion cloud left in his wake.

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Les Jobes 19 Apr 2005

The painting circle looks like fun, and a tonne of giggles, but the photo of his Dad getting him with the balloon filled with red paint.. that is AWESOME!! Excellent capture!! "AHHH" He's got me!! Love the motion in that photo! Priceless!! :o)

Clif Jackson 18 Apr 2005

You are an amazing photographer, Dawn!

Mike Huber 18 Apr 2005

I can relate, except my kids would be in the living room.

Reba McDonald 18 Apr 2005

I have known such scenes. Nice catch

thea walstra 18 Apr 2005

Beautyful light around and on the children