• Wendy Feldmann
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  • Added 30 Sep 2005
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Morgaine, Summoning the Boat

Dimensions: 28" w x 31" h Date of Work: 09/2005

Morgaine, raising her hands with power flowing, mysteriously summons the swan boat to her, across the lake of Avalon...

Collage of cotton fabrics, free-motion quilted with Madeira rayon thread; Glass beads, pearls, hematite beads; Hand dyed Mohair locks; a few strands of yarn; Polyester batting.

Having read Marion Zimmer Bradley's book "Mists of Avalon" many times, I was inspired by the image of Morgaine standing on the shores of the lake, her hands uplifted, summoning the boat with her mystical powers.

Her face and hands were first embroidered with the machine (without sketching first!) and then colored with Prismacolor pencils. Her hair is created from locks of hand-dyed mohair, some yarn, with beads, pearls, and the occasional hematite star bead.

This is the first time I have really incorporated beadwork into my quilting, and I am HOOKED! LOL! I wish the photo could actually show just how deliciously textural this piece is! It positively glitters! ©2005 Wendy L. Feldmann

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Anonymous Guest

Aimée Robinson 10 Nov 2008

I too have read Mists of Avalon many times and I believe you have portrayed the power of the story perfectly. What beautiful work you do....bravo!

Denise Funfsinn 27 Dec 2006

a riot of color!

Anonymous Guest 15 May 2006

It is really wonderful to see a textile artist creating fine art pieces that are one of a kind and conceptually based.

Anonymous Guest 09 Jan 2006

This is wonderful! So unusual, and I love the colours used. Superb work.

Ben DeBiase 07 Oct 2005

wow, i really really like this!! so intricate, i cannot quilt or anything so mucho respect....and yes pictures never do the painting justice...oh well...