• Kevin Lambeth
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  • Image 315 of 326
  • Added 03 Nov 2005
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The Daughter of a Hero

A portrait of an Arnhem Hero's beautiful daughter.Sadly he is no longer with us.He was with the Borderer's


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William Davis 06 Feb 2007

The picture plane on this portrait is representative of an artist with a talent for picking perspective. You demonstrate an extremely narrow tonal range which is rare amongst artists that are limited in the use of a mere HB pencil. However, this is counteracted by shadowing exctentuated by prominent pencil strokes. In short, I would be very interested in purchasing, a raw, yet strangely desirable selection, of what may be, potentially valuable, innovative art pieces. These for sole exclusive use in my gallery. Be aware, i am a dealer of credible art, and if you enter into an agreement with me, I require sole rights for distribution of your artwork. Including poster and movie re-distribution rights, without corporate exception. Kind Regards William Davis (care of) Simon Peguseck

Artist Reply: Hi William, long time no speak. How are you doing? Well I hope? Still doing my art. Have sold pieces all over Europe, USA, and the UK. Some in excess of £1200. Still on artwanted.com. loads more on my page since we last spoke. I'm at university now, doing an art degree. I know, at my age should be taking it easy, but!!!! Things haven't gone to well for me, had 3 knee replacements in my left leg, cocked up twice, still not brilliant, also need right knee and both hips replaced. So how are you? Are you still setting the art world on fire? Kind regards, Kevin Lambeth

Jonathan Harris 14 Nov 2005

Very effective

Emily Reed 03 Nov 2005

Ah ha! That same look...Well done.