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My pride, my humility

© 2006 Armando Salas. ------A very close person, my dearest friend, says I always underestimate myself. Well, I'm proud of my skills and huge work but I know my limits too :-))) I'm a perpetual student. ---A tribute to my pride: First image: "The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons" and "Atlas Español de la Cultura Popular - De la historieta y su uso". My name is in both encyclopedias and in Lambiek Comiclopedia (Amsterdam); this one is on-line. The strange sculpture (owl) is the CURUXA DE HONRA 2005 award (especial honour prize) given by Museum of Humor at Fene (Galiza - Spain). This award is dedicated to a long career as a cartoonist.--- Bottom image: Myself, holding the CURUXA, and the page of The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons, published by Chelsea House Publishers (Philadelphia) and printed in Hong-Kong! :-))).


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gregg dutcher 15 Jan 2007

cONGRATULATIONS ON THE AWARD!!!!!! And on the listings in the reference books!!! And,....I didn't know your last name is Martinez,...that's the name of the city where I live. cool huh? Did either book use a sample of your work, and if so which one? :O)

Juan Gomez 10 May 2006

Well deserved..your a true talent meastro Salas!!

Artist Reply: You're the talented one, Juan. You're the genius. Thank you for your kind comments, much appreciate :-)

richard peter david 08 May 2006

You never case to amaze me Armando! You're great!

Artist Reply: Yes, my kids always say "Dad, you're great!" when they need money... :-)))

Emily Reed 07 May 2006

So really wonderful!!!

Artist Reply: Yes, Emily: looks like your paintings and photos. Thank you, dear friend.:-)

george query 07 May 2006

Keep drawing,we need you! CONGRATS!!

Artist Reply: And I need you ALL, my AW family, my best beholders!. Thank you very much, George!:-)

Terrell Smith-Dorfeo 06 May 2006

Armando....YOU ROCK!!!! :D

Artist Reply: Thank you, Queen of Mermaids! :-)))

Analua 04 May 2006

Super deserved my dear Armando!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Analua. That "Curuxa" is a good subject for a watercolor. What do you think? :-)))

Terry Harris 04 May 2006

Way to go! So glad to see a deserving artist get the notice and attention welll earned!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Terry. In 1978 I won the second prize of "Paleta Agroman", the Spanish "Oscar" for cartoonists. The event was in Hotel Palace (Madrid) (where Ava Gardner lived :-))). I REALLY won the "Paleta" (First prize) and Tv and Press were asking for me. And suddenly, the Vicepresident of Agroman enterprises, said to the Jury: "Who is that "Salas"? We need a WELL KNOWN person. This is business". And Manolo Summers ( cartoonist and cinematographic director / Spain) won the first prize. Stolen prize!!! I continued my career, but I never participated in contests again. I only can win prizes of honour, I only can appear in encyclopedias. Now, I'm a WELL KNOWN astist. And this is my pride.

Pepita Selles 04 May 2006

Thanks Armando to be You,and sharing this moment with us.Be proud -hombre. Excellente and Muy Bien.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Pepa. Yes, I'm proud. "Soy minerooooo..." (Antonio Molina) :-))) Did you print those images?

Christine brand 04 May 2006

You are right to share this with us...Man Do! I am glad you did...We love you very much and live within your heart in the smiles you hear in the sunlight!!! in the open face of the flowers and the tune of the whistling the face of the romancing moon that winks at forbidden love and snickers the children of that play games of hide and seek in the star dusted dark...We live with you Armando, you are our laughter ...Please be strong and Know that many love you...Thank you for sharing you honor and humility...Love CB

Artist Reply: I always need to read al least twice your comments, Chris. First, because of my English level; second, because of your complexity LOL! :-))) Seriously, did you think to publish your AW comments in a book??? It could be a bestseller!!!!!! Thank you for your support. Hmmmm... I need to read your text again..."forbidden", "moon"... yes, i must read it again...:-)))

Tree Pruitt 03 May 2006

YOU DESERVE IT ALL!!! And what a wonderful award the owl is -- art in itself -- display it with the pride that is rightfully yours. :) Well done, my friend!

Artist Reply: Thank you for your support, Tree. This owl is an unique design from Sargadelos Ceramics. This is not for sale in their catalogs. To win it is needed :-))). Sargadelos is a well known and famous ceramic made here, in Galicia, in Northwestern Spain. Link:

bianca thomas 03 May 2006

I just love this....such a great truly great....

Artist Reply: Thank you, Bianca. I think: how many trees fell down to made the paper I drew during 40 years? OMG! I think Greenpeace is knocking on my door just right now...! :-)))

jorge gallardo 03 May 2006

Congratulations my deserve that and much more. You are by far one of the best cartoonists we have in the world...If not the best in my eyes. May God bless you with many many more years to be a productive creator!

Artist Reply: Gracias, Jorge. He visto vagamente que también hoy has puesto nuevas imágenes; las veré más tarde. Me alegra que vuelvas a estar en plena vena creativa, me alegra que vuelvas a estar aquí... y me putea bastante que no vuelvas a coger los pinceles o el computador para hacer todas esas maravillosas cosas que tú sabes.Reflexiona, o un día de estos recibirás una visita de Pancho Villa, que te pegará un par de tiros en los "mismísimos"... you know. :-))) Un fuerte abrazo, Jorge.

Andrea Herrera 03 May 2006

Wow Armando that is awesome. Very inspiring for artists who might just think of their craft as a hobby. It truly can take you places. Congrats My Friend.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Andrea. Perhaps you don't know I worked in a bank during 40 years... and I did circa 40.000 drawings/paintings in afternoons/evenings. 1.000 drawings/year. Yes, I deserve a prize... :-))) What do you think?

Michael Forbus 03 May 2006

Congatulations Armando mi amigo you are the bombe. miguel

Artist Reply: Gracias, Miguel. Still I'm thinking of those mussels... :-)))

Loredana 03 May 2006

You have every right to be proud Armando you are a wonderful talent ,and i think in life we never stop learning its a wonderful thing :)

Artist Reply: For sure, Loredana. When I joined AW, I knew 20 words in English; nowadays I know 28. :-)))

Reba McDonald 03 May 2006

Something to be proud of.

Artist Reply: Thank you, my especial angel.

Chris Williams 03 May 2006

well done Armando a great piece of work

Artist Reply: Thank you, Chris.:-)))

Ana Tirolese 03 May 2006

Wow! Congratulations. You really should be proud of your work. You are a very talented artist.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Ana. I only wish to be an artist like you.:-)

Christina Cheeks 03 May 2006

You really should be very proud. You deserve it for all your hard work, and eagerness to learn!

Artist Reply: I have a gift, Chris: I am so fast when I draw! Perhaps it's only skill, but it works! Thank you, girl.

Kukua Akumanyi 03 May 2006

great accomplishment... and hurrah to the perpetual student....

Artist Reply: Hurrah, Ekua :-) Thank you, girl.

Joke Schotting 03 May 2006

Beautiful photo`s dear Armando!!!

Artist Reply: This photo could be perfect coming from you, Joke, but photography isn't my power. Thank you.

thea walstra 03 May 2006

I agree very much with Nelly Armando.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Thea. Hmmm... Apophysis... I must learn... :-))) Yes, a perpetual student...

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 03 May 2006

fantastic and congratulations Armando (i love that owl) and the words "I'm a perpetual student" are the proof you are really great!!!!

Artist Reply: Yes, Nelly: nobody knows all in art. We all can learn everyday. Now, I'm learning from you how to draw amazing horizons :-))) Thank you very much.

Elton Houck 03 May 2006

You deserve the awards and accolades my friend! You do fab work!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Elton. I only need to do "grafitti" to complete my career :-)))

Anne Vis 03 May 2006

Congratulations, Armando! :-)

Artist Reply: Thank you, Anne. My knorr helps me.:-)))

Steph Salt 03 May 2006

Didn't you win this prize last year as well Armando, or am I confused? What ever, congratulations again are in order I think :D I love that owl sculpture, Athena would be proud :D

Artist Reply: Coincidence, Steph :-))) The winner of CURUXA GRAFICA was the Greek cartoonist Mihailis Kountouris. His wife's name: Athena. And yes, I won this prize last year.

joan warburton 03 May 2006

You have built a legacy of humor that will live on forever. What a wonderful honor.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Joan. Yes, my "legacy" (OMG! It sounds so good!:-))) possibly surpasses 40.000 drawings/paintings.

Joseph Moran 03 May 2006

Well done Armando - you have much to be proud of, you produce wonderful art and bring much joy and introspection to those who are fortunate enough to see your work!

Artist Reply: I'm the lucky man because I've magnificent beholders like you, a very talented artist and a clever critic. Thank you very much, my friend.