• Jax Chachitz Moore
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  • Image 16 of 18
  • Added 16 Jun 2006
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Untitled 06.05.02

18" x 18"


Anonymous Guest

John Enright 22 Jun 2006

it deserves to be much bigger. You have strength in your brush... give it space to grow. Just my humble opinion of course. Abstracts of this quality need space!

Artist Reply: John, Thank you so much for your input! You are right, I must paint larger! I have a few that are larger. But I should try as large as possible. I do find larger canvases so much more free to experiment with. Thanks, its great to get such positive feedback from this website, keeps the fire burning! Jax

jon brophy 19 Jun 2006

man in bath.

jeff ostrowski 16 Jun 2006

like it alot... since we're all telling what we "see"; i see a giant purple coyote taking over a city godzilla style...

Artist Reply: That is too cool! Keep em coming!

Timothy McAninch 16 Jun 2006

I find your work very figurative. I like what I percieve to be a procession of forms. No matter how non objective you may try to be, viewers will interpret it according to their world. I appreciate having viewed them.

Artist Reply: Timothy, You are right, I do think everyone sees what they want to. Its funny how certain shapes will always represent certain things to people. But the dynamics and emphasis to these shapes, are critical to this piece. It draws you in, but we for some reason want to naturally make sense of them. It really amazes me sometimes, when people see the most amazing things, faces and figures Ive never seen. To me that is what painting is all about, you never know what your going to end up with. Jacquie