• James Anderson
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  • Added 29 Aug 2006
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The Ten Commandments

I purchased a first edition book on the ten commandments at a garage sale for .25 cents. The book came in a cover that was falling apart at the edges. I made a new cover out of wood and put some appropriate carvings on it. This is the front side. The center portion, with the picture of Moses, is part of the original cover. John:5:46 Jesus said, "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote of Me". I believe that virtually the whole of the Old Testament is an announcement to the world about the person of Jesus Christ. The Ten Commandments put the requirements of a Righteous God to all mankind for entry into heaven and fellowship with Him. The Scripture says that if we fall in even one point of the Law then we have broken them all. Thus, the Ten commandments point toward the need for a Sinless Savior to stand in the gap for the world "for we have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God". So, I have carved what I felt would be appropriate. The vines on the sides speak of Christ. "I am the Vine, you are the branches. The Aleph and Tav at the bottom speak of the everlasting "Ancient of Days", the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. The fire on the bottom, surrounding the Aleph and Tav, speak of the Scriptures that describe God as an all consuming fire.


Anonymous Guest

Barry Huyett 19 Jan 2008


Artist Reply: Thank You!!

Arevik Tunyan 07 Aug 2007

What a great work!!!

Joanne Harvey 01 Oct 2006

OOoh My! This is such A beautiful work of art! I can see that A lot of love went in to this! Marvelous work!