• Carliss Mora
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  • Image 253 of 463
  • Added 06 Jan 2007
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I know someone whom is the victim of BPS. Formerly, this person was, but is no longer, an extended family member by marriage. Still, this person tries so hard to be that. It would be okay, except this person suffers from an illness unlike any I have ever known. To be around the suffering is bizarre, not just for the victim, but I can't handle it at all, so I decided to do a picture to show how I see, this person's illness. The straight lines, represent the illness in its dormancy.


Anonymous Guest

Maurizio Miele 25 Jan 2013


chuck vest 01 Apr 2007

this is very interesting Carliss, I really like every bit of what and all it expresses.

Artist Reply: Chuck, thanks for this comment! I know someone who has this disease, and I thank God I don't have it. For those who do, I hope they take their medication.

Destanie West 30 Mar 2007

i like the colors

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Destanie!

karen bellows 07 Jan 2007

Wow Cezanne. And by December, there was not a safe, easy way to approach this person. Is that right? I think I know of what you speak when you say BPS...but I'm not sure.

Artist Reply: Rohdy, I really do feel for this person's feelings, but the victim's suffering won't allow feelings for others. Thanks for commenting on this! I appreciate it.

Armando Salas 07 Jan 2007

Wow! I'm in awe.

Artist Reply: Sorry!! Thanks for your time

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 06 Jan 2007

What a very moving powerful creative way to describe the progression of this illness called BPS!!!I feel sorrow for this persons suffering!!! I'm a Type One diabetic and I have seen the diabeties progress through the years in the decline of my health. My heart goes out to those who suffer daily with illnesses!!!God Bless!!!

Artist Reply: Dee, You know, what makes it worse, is though you feel empathetic, and want to be kind, to that person, in my case, the person seems to find joy in putting others' patience, to the test. Thank you, Dee, and I know about Diabetes. It runs heavy and hard in my family!

Jerry 06 Jan 2007

Bold, colorful and great impression!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Jerry! So happy to be able to express my emotions, here.

Francis Rivera 06 Jan 2007

That is so sad, hope the person gets better...^_^

Artist Reply: Thank you, Francis! Nothing short of a miracle, will help, I think!

Ralph Miller 06 Jan 2007

interesting idea!

Artist Reply: Thanks, Ralph, but of course, not as interesting as what you do!!

thea walstra 06 Jan 2007

Creative and interesting work Carliss

Artist Reply: Thanks, Thea! It helps to get it out, through the artwork!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 06 Jan 2007

WOW! WHAT A GREAT COMMUNICATION , Carliss. remission...EXPLOSION!! greatCONTRAST of line, shape, color and mood. Exelllent rendering!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Janet! Your comment is as colorful as my visual description.

bert cortes 06 Jan 2007

Very nice painting, Carliss

Artist Reply: Thank you, Bert! It's a portrait of a different kind.

Emily Reed 06 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Hi, Emily! I needed to get it out of my system, so it's really an expression. Thank you, for the comment!

Gerald Dextraze 06 Jan 2007

Beautiful... you know that sick people need more friendship than average people do... they need it but cannot say it often or the right way... but deep inside they appreciate friends. Being around letting your heart speak and caring is realy great! Bravo!

Artist Reply: Thank you Gerald! It's hard, though!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 06 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Well, if nothing else, it's colorful!!! Thank you, Nelly!

Thomas Broadfoot 06 Jan 2007

Wonderful work

Artist Reply: Thanks Thomas! I had to do it while I was in the mood!!