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Antan - oldies [sold]

Oil paint from child memory when we were going at my grand-mother's country home situated Grande-Ligne, Notre-Dame- de-Stanbridge, Que.... Canvas 18" x 24" copyright (c) Gerald Dextraze [ sold on January 10th 2007] Copies available now. ______________________________________________ J'ai peint cette toile d'apres un souvenir de nos visites a la maison de ma grand-mere qui etait sur le rang Grande-Ligne a Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge, Qc. C'etait au debut des annees 50. C'etait le bon temps! +++[ tableau vendu le 10 janvier 2007 ]


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Anonymous Guest 13 May 2008

This is first time seeing this wonderful memory of your grandmother's home. I love interior scenes, this one makes me feel i'm looking into it from another room. Beautifully renedered. As Always, Papaya

Artist Reply: Papaya, thank you so much! this is real memory from the past. Gerald

joel zelikovitz 14 Oct 2007

great light work. floor is fabulous.

Artist Reply: Joel, thank you !

Ruth Palmer 12 Aug 2007

Definitely one of my favourites of yours Gdex! Bravo!

Artist Reply: Ruth, oops pardon me! I am a little late to answer but I want to says thanks! :)

DR LaVoie 14 Jul 2007

Now THIS one Gerald, has to be my absolute FAVORITE !! It reminds me of the early American painters like Hopper, but you have created a style all your own, this is awesome work my friend!

Artist Reply: Dr Lavoie, thank you very much!!! now I am blushing...

Lior Goldenberg 11 Jul 2007

Beautiful painting! Nice and warm colors.

Artist Reply: Lior, thank you !!

Roz Eve 22 May 2007

This is a very heart warming image!

Artist Reply: Eve, thank you!

Ron DeMore 30 Apr 2007

I love this Gerald,the colours,the calendar and the light on the floor.

Artist Reply: Ron, thank you very much!

Tahnja Wolter 19 Apr 2007

far out Gerald, from memory? Way to go! This is really beautiful and your positive memory really shines through in this. Bravo my friend, bravo indeed

Artist Reply: Tahnja, I know you realy understand the meaning of this painting. Thank you very much for your comment.

Vivian Gutierrez 24 Mar 2007

Beautiful work!! awesome!!

Artist Reply: Vivian, thank you so much!

Joanna Jungjohann 09 Feb 2007

I love this room, so comfy looking, excellent my friend

Artist Reply: Joanna, thank you my friend!

Peter Skov 30 Jan 2007

I read the French explanation first just to see how much I could still understand and I understood it all. But of course, I admired the painting first. It is very beautiful and I can imagine such a house because it reminds me of my grandmother's house in Denmark, which I visited 26 years ago. Of course many things were different but it had that same tidy and antiquated feeling. I really like the shiny floor. Don't those old homes have a special scent to them?

Artist Reply: Peter, good memories have special scent and meaning to each of us, as they take us back in times when things seemed more simple, human and respectful. Thank you!

Lynn De Serres 17 Jan 2007

Magnificent, as always, Gerald. Love all your artwork.

Artist Reply: Lynn, I painted Antan in 2002. thank you

April Morrison 13 Jan 2007

i especially liked the top looked like a cozy warm home I would live nostalgic...sentimental...the color palette is perfect!

Artist Reply: April, thank you so much! xxx

Ruth Kauffman 13 Jan 2007

Very nicely done, Gerald!!!

Artist Reply: Ruth, thank you so much!!!

helen tyralik 13 Jan 2007

nice work

Artist Reply: Helen, thank you!

Jerry 12 Jan 2007

Fantastic colors, details and painting!

Artist Reply: Jerry, thank you!

Martha Miller 12 Jan 2007

This is wonderful. It looks like my parents home when i was a child. great job,

Artist Reply: Martha, indee it does like the end of the 30's or up to the early 50's. Thank you!!!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 12 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Janet, thank you!!!

Carlotta Mohr 12 Jan 2007

Beautiful and I agree magical!

Artist Reply: Carlotta, thank you!

Rita de Falussy 12 Jan 2007

How beautiful - the colors, the reflections, just magical!

Artist Reply: Rita, thank you !!!

Natalie G 12 Jan 2007

Wonderful piece, Gerald! Love the light... Lovely colors, great contrast.

Artist Reply: Natalie, thank you!!!

Carliss Mora 12 Jan 2007

Gerald, this is just amazing! Love this one!

Artist Reply: Carliss, thank you!

Emily Reed 12 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Emily, thank you!!

Ginger Lovellette 12 Jan 2007

Congrats on the sale....but no wonder it sold! EXCELLENT!

Artist Reply: Ginger, Thank you! I have not sold it in my town.

Y Jeelani 12 Jan 2007

Well done.

Artist Reply: Y, thank you!

cynthia berridge 12 Jan 2007

stunning all the detail in this art work

Artist Reply: Cynthian, thank you!