• Jerry
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  • Added 02 May 2007
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Color Power

Greetings Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to my next display of a multi colored oil based ballpoint pen ink drawing. I started drawing with a ballpoint pen in 1968 with a Bic red account pen and went from there to the regular red, black and blue. Shortly after that green came to the market place and off to the races I went with a limit color range of rich dark colors. Years later Lindy ballpoint pens came along with 12 different colors and my artworks took even another turn for the better. Lindy produced a brown, gold, orange, red, black, blue, light blue, green, light green, orange, pink and a purple which really up graded my expressions or level of enjoyment!***** Pen and Ink was one of the first writing or drawing mediums around and that took places maybe four thousand years ago. The first thousand years quill goose feathers were cut or arranged to handle a black or dark brown ink. Metal nibs or quills can along after that and are called dip pens today. In 1888 an American named J.J. Load invented and registered the first ballpoint pen then came along two Biro brothers in 1943 that first started to manufactor them out of Argentina.***** Today, Fisher ballpoint pens produce 10 different colors or more than about any other companies I know of. Fisher is the first company to produce a silver ballpoint pen colored ink from my knowledge in history.***** I have been drawning with ballpoint penes from 1968 or for the past 39 years. My colored ballpoint pen drawings are unmatched worldwide via the Internet. Animating or computer processing ballpoint pen drawings seems to be another advancement I bring to ArtWanted or the art world as well! My MSN sites cannot handle animation artworks therefore this location is my showcase for such worldwide!***** This very colorful portrait is matched with a rather bold contrasting or delightful frame. Hopefully people will comment on this colored ink artwork. Your friend and fellow artist, Jerry Stith

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ghassan kharputly 29 Sep 2007

Hello Jerry, I love the way you use the pen, it's amazing

David Hipwell 03 Sep 2007

Very cool....he is still alive!!!!

David FRIEDMAN 14 Aug 2007

Nice portrait of the Rebel

mel taylor 17 Jul 2007

Excellent work, Jerry!!

Izabella Pavlushko 08 Jun 2007

well done , love the work !!!