• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 06 Jul 2007
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Last Call for Alcohol

More deaths, calamities and tragedies have occurred surreptitiously throughout the centuries because of alcohol. It's stealth is renowned. Those who are afflicted are the last to know, such is it's cunning and baffling power. In moderation it is a gift from the gods but it's excesses have caused kings and kingdoms to disappear. It's reach has stretched the millenia from the beginnings of time to the present day. It knows no bounds and cares less for whom it destroys. It is one of the modern day four horsemen of the apocalypse. It's allies include drugs, greed and war. In moderation it is a welcomed spirit but in gluttonous appetite it finds a safe harbor from which to launch untold armada's of miseries for millions. visionary imagist "Joey"

5 of 30 Comments Show All 30 Comments

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Artur Pashkov 26 Aug 2009

People should know!

artistinthecountry 20 Jun 2009

Full of truth , awesome

Jo-Ann Hayden 26 Jan 2008

Powerful piece, very well executed, and a message that can not be told to often. Beautiful painting,I salute you.

Artist Reply: Jo-Ann: thanks for your wise and insightful comment. i do so appreciate and value your input. again thank you

michelle tabares 10 Jan 2008

I have a few loved ones who have this affliction (and know that I'm not even barely immune to it, as it will always follow me, waiting for my strength to ebb) So, I really feel this painting's message. This piece is...wow! I also like that you didn't put a face on the person because as one looks into this scene they can visualize their own loved one lying there powerless and its a lot more personal then. I love the corrupt, toxic color on the wings and that the skull seems to smile. One last thing, very good perspective and depth in the painting.

Artist Reply: Michelle; thanks for sharing your insightful and profound comment. I am glad that you realized my inspiration for painting this oil. Stop back anytime i really appreciate you taking the time to share.

L.A. Spilsbury 24 Nov 2007

very powerful piece-i love your articles and work You seem like a great person to-SMILE!

Artist Reply: L.A.: Thanks for noticing my art and commenting on it. i do so appreciate you doing so.