• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 27 Aug 2007
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Study in Yellow

This simple little painting was a lesson I taught about the color yellow. Yellow is the primary color that is between orange and green. Yellow is in the visible spectrum with a wavelength between 570 and 590 nanometers. Visible light falls between 400 and 700 nanometers which places yellow somewhat near the center of the visible light spectrum. It's a radiation that we all can live with and enjoy. Radiation isn't always a menace. It's radiation that allows us to see. Discussing yellow on the quantum level can be fun for physicist but not too much fun for artists like me. I would rather make my canvas explode with the radiation caused by a lemon and it's reflection in a pewter cup than to write a dissertation on it. So this painting is the culmination of my lesson with my students. We never discussed the wavelength of the color we were using. We just finished our paintings and then sat down and had some great tasting tea with lemon. visionary imagist "Joey"


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John Fish 12 Oct 2007

Beautiful work. I love the subtle, somber blending of colors and tones and the way the glow of the lemon is reflected on the mug.

Artist Reply: John: Thanks for noticing this little oil. It was a lesson that I taught. It was great fun to do. Thanks for noticing.

Maria Murphy 27 Sep 2007

This reminds me in the cold winter when we get our colds and flu,we reach for the lemon and hot water.This is to me a very cosy ,warm picture.

Artist Reply: Maria: This was a lesson I did with one of my classes I taught. It was very freeing to paint loose. Thanks for the description of your comment. It was meant to convey those simple feelings. Thanks!

Nikolay Semyonov 03 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Nikolay: Thank you for taking time to stop into my little gallery and sharing. I do so appreciate fine artists, such as yourself, commenting on my art. Stop back again soon and thank you !!

titta inkinen 02 Sep 2007

This painting is so nicely calming, and yet the yellow makes you stop there to think about... Beautiful work!

Artist Reply: Titta: I was trying to capture the elegance of the color yellow. Thank you for noticing my humble attempt. I always look forward to your comments. Thank you and stop back anytime!

sandra carmo 01 Sep 2007

so simple and so beautiful.. love it. :)

Artist Reply: Sandra: Your words inspire me and allow this artist to feel that he is on the right path. thanks for sharing and stopping by. Do so anytime!! Again thanks!!

Laurie Rawdon 29 Aug 2007

The yellow stands out so beatifully against that gorgeous background Joey!!! so wonderful in it's simplicity

Artist Reply: Laurie: I sometimes just like using my oils and having some fun. this was one of those paintings. i am glad that you liked too. Thanks again!!

merle cruser 28 Aug 2007

Interesting study!!

Artist Reply: Merle: Thanks for commenting. I hope all is well and you are painting. Again thanks!!

Timothy McAninch 28 Aug 2007

Colour, like scent is personal with the memories and feelings it evokes. I've never heard the sound of a colour but just the sight of certain colour brings a sensation of taste. Warm, light golden yellows have a feel of baking bread and sunlight streaming in through the kitchen window. A squirrel runs up the walnut tree and our dog is eager to go outside. So part of that is fairly common, and part is specific to me.

Artist Reply: Timothy: Your insights are very perceptive and profound. Thanks for taking the time to share with me. I do appreciate when you stop in and comment. Again thanks!!

Joanna Jungjohann 28 Aug 2007

a brilliant work!

Artist Reply: Joanna: Thank you for sharing. i hope all is well with you and your family. Again thanks!

Emily Reed 28 Aug 2007

Incredibly fine abstract!

Artist Reply: Emily: thank you kindly for sharing with me your insights. I do so appreciate it!

brenda coster 28 Aug 2007

great work!

Artist Reply: Brenda: Thanks for your input. It is always appreciated whern ypou stop by. Again thanks!

helen tyralik 28 Aug 2007

this is wonderful

Artist Reply: Helen: thank you again for stopping into my little art world and sharing with me your comments. Thanks!!