• julie Marks
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  • Added 10 Sep 2007
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Sacred Spaces

The birdhouse is flanked on either side by colorful and delicate lanterns that in the night add to the magic of this mystical garden. I knew that birds have an ancient mythology and mysticism. Legends, folklore, and mythology are filled with winged creatures that touched humanity in many ways like Pegasus the Greek winged horse. I heard one bird chirping about that people do not understand the Divine and supernatural qualities of birds who were often thought of as deities or the thoughts of deities. In fact this tribe of birds voted to build a bigger birdhouse so the Thunder Bird, a very spiritual creature of great creative power and might be able to join their Buddhist colony. They were especially interested in having a dwelling for ravens knowing that these special birds are referred to in Norse mythology, the god Odin had two ravens as messengers, Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory). To the Hindus, birds represented a higher state of being. In this sacred environment, there was only one bird that seemed to be disrupting the Buddhist garden being too big to fit into their beautiful birdhouse. I was delighted to find out that these feathered creatures were so knowledable about mythology that they referred to harpies that in mythology is a birdlike woman. One bird piped up and said, I don’t want anyone “harping" on me and disturbing the peace of our spiritual harmony. Those that were “young chicks” would be taught by the elders the sacred and ancient chants dating back to when birds were believed to be ancient forms of life on the planet. Many scientists believe that birds evolved from reptiles over 140,000,000 years ago. I was amazed at how much I learned from these evolved species that spoke of birds as the bridge between humans and the divine, the Earth and Heaven. They are the symbols of transcendence, the rising above lower natures. We have so much to learn from these profound and philosophical species. The fact that they represent rising above our juvenile nature was fascinating. The greatest philosophers like Plato, Socrates and Aristotle were the first Psychologists. I imagine they benefited from the wisdom of the teachings and nature of a species that offered teachings of liberation from any stare of being that is too fixed, final or immature. As I head their evening chants, I realized that these birds are the ultimate symbol of transcendence and release form any pattern of existence to a more superior one. As a Psychologist, I was inspired when they reflected on the union of the conscious mind with the unconscious. Because of their ability to fly, they are associated with aspiration, flights of intuition, beauty and levitation. They are the source of creative imagination, and they have the ability to awaken within us our own flights of magic. I was blessed to be invited to their weekly seminars and spiritual retreats share with others my recognition that everyday presents opportunities to soar to new heights. Listening to them, I became more attune to the spiritual significance of birds and how they spark the critical need for us as a misguided, destructive and troubled race to open up to new faculties of perception, past, present and future. They are significant signs, guidepost, protectors and wise teachers. I did not expect that in my efforts to look up to take photographs that I was also connecting to a powerful message from these flying gurus.

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Alberto D'Assumpcao 11 Sep 2007

Great shot, Julie! Your text is fascinating too, my dearest friend!

Brenda Loveless 10 Sep 2007

beautiful work...winged ones do bring many messages

Jerry 10 Sep 2007

Lovely picture!

Joke Schotting 10 Sep 2007

Beautiful image Julie!!!

Artist Reply: Visiting this wonderful garden was a special treat. I love finding places that evoke the narratives that I enjoy sharing with others. I wish people were so enlightened and could open their heart to the wisdom of the animal world. If we listened attentively to our animal friends, our planet would not be on the edge of destruction. Animals have many lessons to teach us!!

Joanna Jungjohann 10 Sep 2007

wow how pretty