• julie Marks
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  • Added 06 Jan 2008
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Puddle Pictures

It rained very hard the last few days in Los Angeles. This is such a rare event that it is best to stay home to avoid the confused drivers who do not know how to drive in the rain. I spent my day in my backyard. There is a pathway and stairs leading up to a big hill that Molly, my Irish Setter loves to hide her toys,our cell phones, glasses, shoes and other objects in her amusing game that is not as funny to us when our cell phone rings on our backyard hill. Eventually she brings back the items she has hid on the hill and puts them neatly our my room despite the mud and weeks it has been on her special hill. Given that she is a bird dog, she has translated her hunting instincts into hiding and then retrieving our personal items. The list of what she brings back in her retrieval game is numerous. The problem is by the time our cell phones and other items are brought back, we had to buy two new cell phones, glasses and occasionally a portable land line. Now we are smart and have phones that plug in to her dismay. She smiles with great pride when she returns out things so I wait weeks until some of my favorite shoes are returned. Luckily she takes shoes that I can clean since she is unaware the mud is not an attractive accessory. We don’t want to disappoint her since we often don’t have time to take her to the beach or on hikes so her game is critical to her work ethic and problem solving skills. Since we had large rain puddles, I took some photos that reflected the hill above our tiled path. The photo were enhanced to accentuate the colors and texture of the abstract photograph. Not all of the rain puddles Molly I and played in will show the reflections. Needless to say, we both were covered in dirt after our adventure. I also took many photos on the hill. The lighting was great after the rain and the water enhanced nature’s beautiful imagery. I see a cross in this painterly image. What do you perceive in my game of adult hidden pictures.

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david porfirio 21 Feb 2008

reminds me of a jackson pollock !!!!!!!! this is cool

Kathie Nichols 07 Jan 2008

Fabulous abstract Julie, great find!!

Brenda Loveless 07 Jan 2008

" it never rains in California, but man, it pours" great puddle, maybe those are lines like Bimini (spelling?)

Joanna Jungjohann 07 Jan 2008

must feel like louisiana there, with all that rain eh cuz? great shot, great eye!~

Robin Brown 07 Jan 2008

OK Julie so its a puddle to a normal person but its not a puddle to me. I see an astronomical scene with meteors n stuff going on. How nutty is that. XX

Artist Reply: Robin, what you think is nutty to me is imaginative. The advantage of an abstract is to use your creativity so an astronomical landscape with meteors is a great example of Robin Browns's original mind working to create an otherworldly projection. I admire your creative imagination and the more you see without censorship and freedom of expression the more fascinating. Like a dream, we might not understand the symbolic content or the metaphors of the unconscious that are the foundation of the artistic genius of the masterful Flemish painters like Bosch and Breugel, They paved the way to the Surrealism of Goya, Magritte and their contemporaries. Would you call the nutty or inspired? ==