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  • Added 04 Apr 2008
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What big eyes you have~

The version with the blond, is the original acrylic I did for a friend wanting this scene. the other is a change to a brunette for my granddaughter who wanted one with brown hair so that one is changed in software. There are still a few days left on my BIG 50 Auction on Ebay.. Everything is $.99 cents with NO reserve...There are still over 30 at $.99 cents so take a peek and advantage of this early Art Spring sale! My ebay id is : avehurleyillustrations and most listings are in searches under "direct from artist' "original prints' 'signed' 'small paintings' and 'aceos' http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230238043700&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=013


Anonymous Guest

Maurizio Miele 01 Aug 2013

Great work !

pamela jones 24 Apr 2008

Beautiful work Ave

Artist Reply: Thankyou Pamela~

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 04 Apr 2008

Fantastic Illustration art !!!Beautiful colors and fantastic detail in these STUNNING Artworks,AVE!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Dee- Although I liked this picture I wasnt satisfied with the figure of Lil Red Riding Hood and i need to learn more and practice more to do animated figures. That is a real weak spot for me currently.. I am more into scenery...:)

Emily Reed 04 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks Emily- I liked the picture but I couldnt come up with a good lil Red Riding hood figure. I needed one that I could turn in every angle and a face that I could change expressions on etc, which I wasnt ready to do back when I painted this one. Now perhaps with a painting and use of my software I could craft one... always new things to learn... :)

Joanna Jungjohann 04 Apr 2008

very cute paintings AVE

Artist Reply: Thanks, i realaized when I made this attempt that i wasnt cut out for book illustrations... I am more into backgrounds not people. I would need alot of practice to get into painting or illustrating kids and action figures.. Doing scenery is easy for me, but doing people is harder.

jamie winter 04 Apr 2008

so bright and colorful wonderful just wonderful

Artist Reply: Thanks- this was supposed to be a promo for a book, but i realized I am weak in doing characters in action - I wouldnt have had difficulty in the scenery part, but I didnt like the girl in it and so I turned the project down.