• Blossom Hackett
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  • Image 28 of 32
  • Added 14 Mar 2009
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pastel painting seahorses.

Description: Seahorses immerge into there surroundings so well sometimes it’s hard to notice them. Among seahorses it’s the males that give birth; seahorses mate, the female deposits her eggs into a special pouch on the male’s belly. The pouch seals shut while he nurtures the developing eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the pouch opens and the male goes into labor—giving birth to his tiny young Each male at an average bear less a 50 young at a time; those of the largest bear up to 1,000 only one or two may live to become adults and raise young of their own kind, today, people threaten their survival, too—collectors take tons to dry and sell as souvenirs. The more we take, the fewer we leave to reproduce—putting long snout populations in danger.

5 of 6 Comments Show All 6 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 06 Nov 2010

thanks, Vincent

Anonymous Guest 26 Feb 2010

I was once told by someone about putai, this work is great.

Artist Reply: Thanks for the comment, but I don’t understand “putai” ?

Kathleen Oliver 25 Jan 2010

Very beautiful portrait!!

Artist Reply: All your comments are very valuable for me thank you!

Sharon Gonzalez 14 Mar 2009


ruth sears 14 Mar 2009

very awesome!!