• Candace Wilson
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  • Image 68 of 76
  • Added 07 May 2009
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From Stillness, Understanding

oil on canvas with moonstone, smokey quartz, aquamarine. 48 x 48"/122 x 122cm This painting is the combination of the crown or 7th chakra with the base or 1st chakra. The crown chakra is the seat of divine understanding, bliss, enlightenment, and its colour is purple. The base chakra, red in colour, is the center for survival, security, groundedness, and courage. The gemstones incorporated are: smokey quartz, a grounding stone, moonstone, a stone of meditation allowing one to see deeply into the subconscious, and aquamarine, a stone of clearing and releasing of old issues. This combination of colour and gem vibrations along with the Fibonacci spirals, the symbol of constant repetition and renewal of the fractals found in nature, changes the vibrational frequency of the viewer.

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