My Celtic roots - 2

© 2009 - 2010 Armando Salas and Editorial La Capital ---------------------- Cover por cultural magazine NORDESIA, published weekly by newspaper DIARIO DE FERROL. The article is about the last Celtic warriors . They died at Medulio mount, a place supposed to be at Sierra Capelada and San Andrés de Teixido very close to Cabo Ortegal (there are more images about this subject in my portfolio). --------------------- Medulio is the mount where took place the battle of the last Galician and Cantabrian warriors and natives of Asturias in 22 B.C. against the Roman legions of Cayo Furnio and Publio Carisio, and where the last resistant warriors committed suicide during the siege. --------------------------------- As the Roman historian Lucio Anneo Floro mentions on the battle: ... " Finally there took place the siege of Mount Medulio, on which, after having surrounded it with a continuous pit of fifteen miles, the Romans advanced to a time throughout. When the barbarians were reduced to extreme need, they celebrated a banquet and gave death to themselves by the fire, the sword and the poison that they used to extract from the yews. This way they got away themselves from the captivity, which seemed to an indomitable people to be more intolerable than the death ... " ------------------------------- Upper image: digital collage. Bottom image: NORDESIA cover.


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Alberto D'Assumpcao 14 Mar 2010

Splendid design, Armando!!

Olga van Dijk 14 Mar 2010

This is a strong design Armando! Love and Light, Moi

Seth Weaver 12 Mar 2010

An awesome and inspiring cover art Armando, wonderful tribute honoring your proud heritage and the noble spirit of your heroic ancestors.

Calvin McFarlane 12 Mar 2010

history...the greatest story ever to be told. wonderful work Armando. Thank You.

Loredana 11 Mar 2010

Fantastic Armando

Lorna Skeie 11 Mar 2010

Very interesting work. Well done

Sigridur Bachmann 11 Mar 2010

Ahhhh ! What loveliness !

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 11 Mar 2010

great design, beautiful work Armando!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Nelly. This is TAPA NEGRA. I wrote it right :-) TAPA means COVER. TAPA NEGRA = BLACK COVER :-)

Maria Anna Machado 11 Mar 2010

Tudo muito lindo...parabens pelo trabalho...belo povo...

Artist Reply: "Olhos oblongos azuis - Eram pessoas claras, magras, altas e tinham a pele muito manchada pelo sol. O rosto oval era suave, as mulheres tinham as faces coradas e os homens uma barba rala e dourada. Não se atreviam muito a sair de suas casas, com medo de queimaduras. Tinham cabelos finos e dourados".---- Translation into Spanish: "Ojos oblongos azules - Eran personas claras, magras, altas y tenían la piel muy manchada por el sol. El rostro oval era suave, las mujeres tenían las caras coloreadas y los hombres una barba rala y dorada. No se atrevían mucho a salir de sus casas, con miedo de quemaduras. Tenían cabellos finos y dorados" ---------------------------- Hi, María Anna. Just got "ATLANTS (ATOL DE FORMIGAS)" and it'll be treasured. As you can see, thereisn't problem to understand the text :-). Additional advantage: I also speak Galician language. --- Thank you very much for your kindness and wonderful present, my friend. Looks like the book is a meaningful work and I know my satisfaction as reader is guaranteed. I'll let you know my feelings when I'll read it completely.

Stefani Wehner 11 Mar 2010

Simply fantastic, Armando!

ruth sears 11 Mar 2010

yes,fantastic cover work.

Mary Janosik 11 Mar 2010

A proud and courageous people, splendid cover!!!

Sharon Gonzalez 11 Mar 2010