• Roselin Estephanía
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  • Added 16 Feb 2021
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04. De aquí no sales

Just like my previous painting, this piece is named (and inspired by) another song from the album "El Mal Querer", in this case it's the song "De aquí no sales" by Rosalía. This is my favorite song from that album, it's so... unique. I had NEVER before heard a song quite like that one. I think it gets its point across so well; the violence, you can feel it in your bones. To me this has another personal meaning. This time, the meaning comes from my country's current dictatorship and overall difficult situation. The title translates to "You don't leave from here", its actual meaning it's domestic violence, of course. So, if I'm suffering the violence and horror of an oppressive dictatorship in my own home, in my own country, same country that won't let me, and most of its citizens, leave, isn't it domestic violence, too? The Venezuelan dictatorship turned our passports into the MOST expensive passports in the world. It's a mafia, really, people has even paid over 1000USD to get their passports and leave this place. That you can do when you've got the money. Most people have to leave in awful conditions, leave everything behind to escape this place. I've sweet-talked you for so long And you're forcing me to make sure That you don't leave from here It's hurting me more Than it's hurting you Don't mess with me With the back of my hand I make it clear to you Bitter sorrows I sell you I have sweets too. When your salary is 2USD a MONTH, how and where can you escape to? They're strangling us.

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