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  • Added 07 Jul 2006
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White Lingerie (Special Sneak Preview)

Original Size: approximately 9" x 14" This is a special sneak preview of a set of pin-ups I am doing for a book. The theme was to keep the pictures alluring & enticing without displaying the female form without clothes. I may only be able to keep this up for a few weeks (due to any contractual obligations...), so I hope you enjoy it while it's posted.

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Mark Saxton 21 May 2008

hot stuff.

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Mark! :D

Leah Jaarveth 25 Feb 2008

your work is so fantastic...such realism and beauty....Bravo!

julie Marks 18 Jul 2007

I think our soldiers lost in a futile war would love to use your pinups men in the military have done for decades. I applaud you for your extraordinary talent and ability to pass the censors on AW. The irony is that the censorship Staff would consider this a female form with clothes. How subjective is our view of what is appropriate? She would be less alluring and probably offensive to those who write the rules to not allow nudity on this site if they took the time to think about how they interpret the nude female form. With clothes, she has much more erotic appeal than many of the drawings that have been censored like African women from primitive villages trying to survive the hardship of life. This is a wonderful example of how narrow thinkers are not the ones to make the rules. If that was so, we would certainly not even have a war with the old concept of pinups. Did you ever finish the book? You definitely have the talent and the real of fantastic art is so rich and beautifully rendered. I hope you have seen the work of the team of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell.

Artist Reply: Thank U very much. I agree with your opinions about nudity, as well. I tend to like the illusion of nudity as opposed to nudity in pinup art. She is more sensual dressed than naked, I think. U are right, though; nude African women censored? Absurd! They are only in their natural form! But since I am a member of Art Wanted, I try to respect all their rules and hope that one day they may allow depiction of artful, tasteful nudity. 2 me, nudity in it's naturalist, purest form is beautiful and very artistic; it is only when raw depictions of nudity conveying certain vulgar acts for sheer shock value are works I think that may cross the line between tasteful and offensive. But no one should be "offended" at the simple nude form, but it still goes on these days, unfortunately. Btw, I enjoy Boris and Julie Bell's work very much! I am also a huge fan of Frank Frazetta! Thanks so much!

cynthia berridge 27 Nov 2006

stunning love pinup art work nearly as much as fantasy art

Artist Reply: You are very kind! Thank you!! I enjoy doing pinups and have more in the making, along with fantasy pieces...

Patrick Boyle 19 Aug 2006

very nice!! Great pin=up work!!

Artist Reply: Thanks again, Patrick! I am doing more pin-ups, which I hope to post at a later date...