• Dell Belew
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  • Added 11 Dec 2007
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St. Paul said we should walk in the spirit and pray in the spirit, but I don't recall his saying that we should paint in the Spirit. Nevertheless, in recent years, the Lord has prepared me for a unique ministry that is a correspondent among all of my spiritual gifts. I share these mandala paintings that are slight departures from what I was doing before with the inspirational mandalas. Individual interpretation is encouraged. Although I have had great success in teaching others to use these paintings as springboards for other activities, I never in my wildest dreams expected to be doing what I am doing in my own ministry. The following paintings and accompanying interpretations were created at Covenant Church of Pittsburgh during the "Times of Refreshing" services and the Sunday morning and evening services. I also do workshops and teach church groups how to begin a prophetic arts ministry. "IN HIS IMAGE:THE FACE OF LOVE" This painting is the very first one I completed in the service, and the interpretation follows: In the atmosphere of worship, Jesus cradles us in peace [pink]. Each worshiper brings some inner turmoil [red, yellow] into the service. It may be due to some disturbing memory of a past hurt, a recent anxiety, or some aspect of our spiritual life that the Holy Spirit is refining. In our times of refreshing, we go back into the womb of heaven and the Spirit nourishes us like newborn babies. Outside of the womb, the depth of the Spirit [dark blue] and our royal inheritance [purple] through Christ`s sacrifice [to the lower right] under girds us. Above all, we take joy in the thought that God smiles when we enter into praise and worship [yellow upper left]. The image in the center of the circle represents our being changed into His likeness. God shows us His face through our own as we are in worship. “As he is, so are we in the world” (1 Jo 4:17b). Our eyes are closed in peace [pink] while the work is going on at the very center of our being. Though our lips may seem to snarl, we rest in the assurance that the stirring of the Spirit will work for our good because we know that His thoughts toward us are thoughts of peace and not evil so that we might have our expected end (Jer 29.11).

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