• Katie Irvin-Beaudry
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  • Image 12 of 25
  • Added 16 Nov 2008
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Not your typical ranger I normally don't play rangers, but as my local pnp group was pretty beefed out with rogues, warlocks, and warlords, I figured I'd play our party's token sniper. A far cry from the animal loving tree-hugging, scimitar-wielding, green cloak wearing and panther-partnering ranger, I wanted to play something different for a change, especially in a class that a lot of people don't really bother with developing that much. So meet Ceridwen, a gritty, somewhat feral elf that's spent so much of her life in the woods she's become something of an animal herself; she always has a half- hunted look to her eyes, though said eyes can spot a leaf rustling half a mile away. Her aim is deadly, her words deadlier, and she knows that truly the only kinship that is felt in the natural world is that between predator and prey. Beneath the peaceful exterior, beneath the green leaves and crystalline streams, is the fear in the darkness, the desperate heart-pounding chase, and the spilled blood of the hunt. Sketched with pencil and touched up in Photoshop, about 3h

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