• Elton Houck
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  • Added 04 Sep 2006
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The color purple on LSD

(c) 2003 Elton Houck...

"The color purple on LSD" from the series "THAT STUFF WILL KILL YOU!"

computer designed art via Paintbrush .


. ...

The saga continues....for how long, only God knows!

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 04 Sep 2006

What is LSD?

Artist Reply: LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide is a mind altering drug that can cause reactions months or even years later where the person "trips out" or becomes again under an alter state where some some people have walked off a six story building or stepped onto the path of an on-coming train. I wish that eveyone could ask the question you posed and we all could ask what is crack, crank, crystal meth, etc. All of these drugs are a straight pathway to hell and oblivion. Look at the misery and wasted lives, and the horror and hearthache our "drug culture " has spawned. I wish that we were all ignorant about these demonic and deadly potions.

Reba McDonald 04 Sep 2006

Nice colours.

Emily Reed 04 Sep 2006

Just so sweet and lovely! I like the bright colors, Elton!

thea walstra 04 Sep 2006

Very beautiful and a well composed abstract. I think this abstract art really stands out in big sizes on a wall. Perhaps a strange idea but I think if they are in hospitals it gives people in sad situations a happy feel. I think it works this way for me.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 04 Sep 2006

what an exciting beautiful colours and shapes!!! love these floating creatures in this yellow world!!