• Ginger Olansen
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 11 of 570
  • Added 05 Oct 2020
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Would you believe I spent 4 hours today in the hospital! My eye doctor said I may have had a stroke last night or may have one! I am fine! now! After a brain scan, a CT with dye, blood work fo look for chemical changes in blood, and an x-ray! They found nothing. They said I was in perfect health but that it could be a warning!! Lucky today!


Anonymous Guest

Nira Dabush 06 Oct 2020

Stunning green abstract Ginger. Wishing you well.. And rest yourself you will recover sooner and better.

Al Budarin 06 Oct 2020

Ginger,I'm very sorry for all the health issues youve had in the past & now again,I'm happy that you are alright,,,,Ginger if I may,meaning no disrespect,lately you've been producing these Digital Artistry like crazy one after another ,I know they all take time on the computer ,you maybe sitting to much ,spending way to much time on this ,PLEASE PLEASE take some time out to really relax,go for strolls in the park ,listen to the birds,listen to the rustle of Fall leaves under your feet Take some time for yourself ,you need Calm,as your heart is racing when you are sitting there hour after hour creating your beautiful artistry on the computer, ,,,,you need some down time,,you need to be inspired by things that take you away from the computer for now,Ginger I'm only saying all this in a good way,Please do that for yourself.

Artist Reply: I really appreciate your comments, I know what you mean and I will stop with the neighbors house, its add too much stress! I will take care, thank you for your warm thoughts.

Kevin Lambeth 06 Oct 2020

Good God Ginger. So sorry to hear that, hope you are OK? Even with your problems you still found time to post this amazing artwork. You really are an inspiration to us all.

Artist Reply: I feel great today. I slept 11 hours! I usually sleep 7! Thank you for all your wishes. Have a wonderful day.