• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 26 Apr 2023
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From time to time, I check with myself, ( or found out of new ) and share with you, Partly my personal definition, or feeling towards "TIE", Or Ties.
Each tie is different from the other.
Before the internet era, most of my ties, I knew, know.
I did not give the "tie" a definition, or a thought, since there was no reason, for doing so.
Ties have several meanings to me.
This original creation of mine, started back then, as "Unbreakable Ties"
.. At times I had quite a lot of ties, usually, it made me smile, then. (it changed)
Nowadays, I have many more ties.
Some ties, I knew, I know, I will find out later in life, many years later, or will never find out.
Some ties, I really like, some others will never have connections with, or are useless. Some probably I prefer not to mention, or know about.
Ties are those interested in "things" or " issues" in my life, that I choose to share, or did not choose to share ( this I could not agree to ). Some of my ties, I know, are familiar with, or will never get to really know.
It is obvious that for my safety, I would prefer that my ties, will be only people that I am familiar with.
But this last idea, is impossible.
Some of those I never suspected as my ties, are definitely My Ties.
Some of my unbreakable ties are those who follow my posts for many years.. become breakable. For me surely, for themselves, I can never really know.

Ties rhymes with Spies.. Interesting..(!)
May we have special good ties to build our connections with, based on fairness.
Ask yourself, what are you doing here ? (the not known tie, I meant)
Thank you for joining. So many of my ties will never really join...But are here to view...
Love, peace, and safety of privacy will make better communications between people of the world.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush.

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5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Vicki Pelham 20 May 2023

So mesmerizing dear Nira, wonderful work!!! My POD......

Nino Dobrosavljevic 26 Apr 2023

Dear Nira, you are very good with this creation and ideas. bravo. Those pictures are the pictures of the day for me.

Artist Reply: Nino thanks so much for the visit.. Greetings.

Mark Peterson 26 Apr 2023

Nice patterns, I like the black and white portion with the colors ~

Artist Reply: Mark.. Thank you..

Mark Peterson 26 Apr 2023

Nice patterns, I like the black and white portion with the colors ~

Artist Reply: Mark.. Thank you..

Vernonette Gaddy 26 Apr 2023

Remarkable artistic creativity Nira. :)

Artist Reply: Thank you dear friend.. Greetings.