• Charles Jones
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I went with a neighbor to pick my new communal mailbox key recently. He was kind enough to take me as I have no means of transportation currently. There was quite a line of people as we entered the place and so I studied them a bit. Not one made eye contact. Not one spoke to his neighbor in the snake-like queue. The faces were totally drained of affect, of emotion, of warmth. One young lady a few people ahead of us stood stooped over as though she had the weight of the world on her back. Please understand that I get out seldomly and the only faces I see are those of a few nice neighbors and those on the old TV shows I watch. It was quite sad really. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond acid-free paper. Original Jones Art, still the avid observer of things animate and inanimate in northwest Austin, Texas.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Dave Matke 24 days ago

I understand what you mean . For myriad of reasons, a lot of people just don't want to break the ice and exchange a few words today. Perhaps if they saw your soulful character , it may warm them up a bit : )

Artist Reply: I don't know about myriad, Dave. At the same mailbox I referred to, I observed a young man approaching, his head cocked to one side and slightly down. When he was almost to where I was, I made a little barking noise. He never looking up, never took a back step, but continued on past me as though I wasn't there. Is this some new form of social catatonia, or what? :(