• Annabel Lee
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  • Image 26 of 38
  • Added 15 Apr 2003
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Dying phoenix

Yes I'm alive, blame uni work for my absence, fie fie to the education system! Ahem. ^.^;; Well, I finally got around to completing this - I started it about two weeks ago, and it's been sitting around on my desk for ages until I finished it today.... well anyway, er, this was my attempt at trying to do a different take on how I usually draw Phoenixes, it's mildly depressing I know but eh, not even the life of a Phoenix is all sugar and roses, right?? ^.^;;; The inking near killed me again, or rather, nearly killed my pen and my colour pencils smelled funny after not using them for ages, but it all came together in the end. Now I reeeeaaaallly need to finish pics I owe to people.... O____o;;; PS: Mediums used in case anyone's interested - prismacolour pencils for the phoenix, ink for the black strands and paintshop pro 5 background. And er, that's it I guess... =P


Anonymous Guest

Lynndy Lee 04 Sep 2003

Wow! I really like the way you do your shading and all of your work is spectacular. Very impressive ^-^

Katie Luna 27 Jul 2003

The detail is amazing. All your pictures are great. ^-^

Xixi Hael 07 Jun 2003

I love detailed images like this because you never get bored looking at it. I use pencilcrayons for a lot of my works too. They are great for smooth solid colors.

Chalchihuitlicue Tulan 18 Apr 2003

Oooh... WOW!! 'Tis beautiful!!