• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 18 Nov 2007
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HOW THE BLACK STALLION FORGETS paintography by Michael (miguel) Forbus INTRODUCTION TO PABLO NERUDA'S POEM BY MICHAEL (miguel) FORBUS THE BLACK STALLION FORGETS SHORTLY AFTER THE FIGHT THE PALOMINO THAT HE HAS RUN FROM HIS HERD, HE SOON FORGETS THE SCARS OF BATTLE, THE PAIN OF HOOF PRINTS ON HIS FLANK. HE SOON FORGETS WHICH MARE HE TOOK IN THE MOONLIGHT LAST NIGHT AND WHAT IT FELT LIKE TO HIM. THE WILD STALLION HAS LITTLE MEMORY AND ONLY FEELINGS OF THE INSTANCE. SOMETIMES I FEEL THAT HUMANS ARE LIKE THIS. THAT WE LIVE IN A DISPOSABLE SOCIETY. OUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, MEMORIES, THE LOVES OF OUR LIVES, CAN BE FORGOTTEN BY THE SLIGHTEST DISTRACTION. THE WARS WE HAVE FOUGHT, THE DEAD WE HAVE BURIED, WE GO DAYS WITHOUT THEIR MEMORIES. FOR SOME REASON I CANNOT LIVE LIKE THIS. I REMEMBER EVER WORD SOMEONE SAYS TO ME IN ANGER AND LOVE, I REMEMBER EVERY TIME THERE IS DISCORD AND THE DISAGREEMENT OF NO ACCOUNT. I RECALL THE BEAUTY OF LOVE'S FIRST BLOOM AND THE DEPTH OF THE FIRST MEETING OF LIPS ON LIPS AND THE FIRST ROSE AFTER WINTER, IT'S PERFUME RESTS IN MY NOSE AND IN MY MEMORY. I REMEMBER FRIENDS THAT HAVE CALLED ME BEST FRIEND AND HAVE HUGGED ME CHEST TO CHEST AND I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT FEELING OF CLOSENESS. THESE ARE ALL THINGS THAT I ONCE FORGOT AND NOW HAVE COME BACK TO BLESS ME. I CHOOSE TO REMEMBER ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE, GOOD OR BAD. THEY ARE ALL PART OF MY SOUL AND PART OF WHAT MAKES ME MIGUEL AND ALL OF YOU WHO READ THIS, I WILL REMEMBER THAT ON THIS DAY, A SUNDAY, YOU READ MY POEM AND I WAS HONORED THAT YOU DID AND I WILL REMEMBER EACH BRUSH STROKE THAT YOU PAINTED AND EACH WORD, EACH GRACIOUS WORD THAT YOU UTTERED ABOUT MY PAINTINGS AND MY WORDS. I WILL NEVER FORGET. WRITTEN BY MIGUEL IF YOU FORGET ME written by PABLO NERUDA I want you to know one thing. You know how this is: if I look at the crystal moon, at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, if I touch near the fire the impalpable ash or the wrinkled body of the log, everything carries me to you, as if everything that exists, aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me. Well, now, if little by little you stop loving me I shall stop loving you little by little. If suddenly you forget me do not look for me, for I shall already have forgotten you. If you think it long and mad, the wind of banners that passes through my life, and you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots, remember that on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms and my roots will set off to seek another land. But if each day, each hour, you feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness, if each day a flower climbs up to your lips to seek me, ah my love, ah my own, in me all that fire is repeated, in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, my love feeds on your love, beloved, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine

5 of 28 Comments Show All 28 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 08 Dec 2015

I like this image. Even more, I like your words...

Gordon Christie 30 Jul 2011

Very powerful, Miguel.

Hanna Stawska 23 Nov 2007

Great story and very wonderful work!!

Artist Reply: Hanna, thank you so much for your kind comments. I purposefully wrote and introduction to Pablo Neruda to show the difference between the ways of forgiving lovers and making a pact with oneself that is giving your love under the conditions your honoring it and not using it as a tool to withdraw when you were displeased. Some might not understand this or live like this but it is sometimes a method of never having to live in a lie or to exist with the pain of knowing that someone is withdrawing their love slowly and methodically. That is the biggest tragedy in love. My gratitude for you gracious comments, Hannah. I hope your weekend is remarkable and delightful. Michael

Anonymous Guest 22 Nov 2007

I had not read what Neruda had written and I am truly shocked! His poems of passion, love, devotion, tenderness, magic......all based on possessive, conditional love? Sounds it to me and if so, my shock is joined by a profound disappointment. If only I could go back in time and find out from the very source himself. Thank you again, both for your story and my "Neruda education" tonight. ao

Artist Reply: Neruda was all you said he was and more. He chose his lovers carefully, his politics and friends as carefully and he devoted his self to their lives. He was the consummate friend and lover. But in the devotion that he so freely gave and expressed, he expected that back. If you withdraw even the slightest bit of what he considered a treasure to him, he would have already known, so wise and astute a man he was. So his warning in that work was that if you withdrew a small part of your love he would have known it before you realized it and he would slowly protect his generous heart by withdrawing himself. We are all capable of that, although we are not warrior enough to say that. He was. I respect him for that as I know that if someone withdrew there love for me because of my beliefs or my work them I would have already had my bags packed. It if was that I had showered you with enough love that would take on a different timbre. In that I would correct my devotion to you, for it is that devotion that leads to the spiritual love that we all seek. My grateful thanks for your comments. And don't be too harsh on Pablito, he was a magnificent and devoted man. Michael

thea walstra 21 Nov 2007

A wonderful story Michael and beautiful work. Ted thought that this was a by hand pained artwork.

Artist Reply: Thea, tell Ted that this was such a done over photograph that he is pretty close to being right. Thanks so much for your kind words and if you celebrate this American Holiday, Have a really great time and if you don't have a great weekend anyway. Bless you and Ted and thanks so much for your gracious comments. Michael