• BySilent
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  • Added 19 Dec 2007
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R.I.P. Originality - NOT

"It is a matter of perfect indifference where a thing originated; the only question is: "Is it true in and for itself?""

Georg Hegel (1770-1831)

There are some artists who are doing their level best to convince the world that we should no longer write or create anything anymore. Their logic is based on the premise 'since all the words have been used in every available combination' originality is no longer attainable.

This silliness is their latest attempt at a logical argument to promote the theory that originality in the human soul is no longer attainable. They suggest that no original work is able to be created since it was all done before, thus nothing can be original. When you scratch the surface of this argument you will find that they are folks who have been caught on several occasions placing their marks and rights upon the labors of other's creative juices. Rather than take responsibility for their continued unethical behavior, they'd rather whitewash all artistic endeavors with this mind-boggling excuse for logic!

Hard to imagine anyone would buy into this insipid spin to cover up the indiscretions of Vocal Minority Leaders. Yes, they do expect loyal members of the Vocal Minority to suspend their ability to think logically and simply accept their argument that since original thought is no longer attainable, it must be ok to take others works as your own.

32nd in the Root Ball Series

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