• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 08 Mar 2009
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Changing Dreams.........

Sometimes we dream…
We can dream at night, we can day dream… we can dream day & night about the same subject, from different perspectives, with one wish to fulfill the dream, on it’s BEST side.
YET, Sometimes our dream can make us blind from seeing the reality… the WHOLE REALITY…
And then we wake up… and must focus on reality. The other night, I had a dream, the dream represent perfectly my reality…
As I woke up… I lived another dream, the dream of my life. ( - this can be interpret in 2 ways )
Once, I used to dream other kind of dreams, about the same subject, containing "THE WISH " of a dream.... I feel the CHANGE, in my dreams, like showing me the REALITY.
Some dreams come to guide us, through the journey of our life..Perhaps indicate of a way, in some subjects we're dealing with. other are just our wish...
I feel growing through my dreams, as accepting some facts of life... As the reflection of my life.

May our "DREAMS" Will lead the way to the BEST, "PLACE" in LIFE, Where we belong.

Changing dreams, to represent the change that is in a "THOUGHT" - that make "THE CHANGE".
* * * * * * *

* After viewing these 2 images... What do you feel ,which dream come first the upper one, or bottom one?
* Perhaps both designs are different, yet show not really difference of thought, what do yo think, as the viewer ?...

Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush

5 of 16 Comments Show All 16 Comments

Anonymous Guest

geoff cooper 15 Mar 2009

great designs Nira

Peter Rivron 09 Mar 2009

Both dreams are beautiful dreams, but after looking at both several times the dream that I would dream would be the upper one.

Artist Reply: Dear Peter, thanks for visiting me, and even much more for sharing with me with your choice of a dream. Perhaps it will come true one day.. perhaps another kind of dream will take place according to what reality dictate . Good evening, Nira.

Thom Roslan 08 Mar 2009

I receive 2 complete different feelings when I see these 2 images. The Top: Complete serenity, coming out of a sleep.....Feeling wishful when waking up! The Bottom: Feels like extreme expression......a yelling or screaming to be heard......more like a day dream for that "wish". Both are so "contemplative" in design.......

Artist Reply: Dear Thom... There's a lot in what you "See" here, my dear friend. I'm very contemplative person. You know me so well. Sometimes when I wish to express my dream in a creative way, I do so according to the dream... Sometimes, if I wish to do that, at a very near timing, such as "NOW"!!... I choose sometimes intuitively, sometimes with more of a thought from my designs. That mean that, I maybe did these works, long before a dream... But, the timing of posting, is the suitable timing for me to post from one reason or another. I see the intuitively posting as important as the planned one, although, it might look totally different. You know.. like picking the cards. I believe if you have to pick the cards, you do it intuitively correct for yourself. My choice of these 2 designs were done intuitively, yesterday.. to a very clear thoughts of my text. I know what came first in doing... and I know what came first in my thinking... and actually in processes of the subject during years of a dream .. it could be that the arrangement of both images is changing. If I think of it it changed both ways few times. YET... I feel CHANGE, in the way I dream that subject... perhaps as a process to reach final completion with a situation. As the reflection iof my thoughts. Thanks so much.. I hope to talk with you after my pressures of work will be off... You should teach, me too... TIME...

joost 08 Mar 2009

Just marvellous!!

Artist Reply: Good morning Joost and I'm glad to see you here, this morning.

Olga van Dijk 08 Mar 2009

I just love what you said: ".....hanging dreams, to represent the change that is in a "THOUGHT" - that make "THE CHANGE". your beautiful design just tells us your feelings...

Artist Reply: Dear Olga, thanks for visiting. My saying here :"changing dreams, to represent the change that is in a "THOUGHT" - that make "THE CHANGE", is my own logic of understanding myself... I believe it can be in others too. You see, I'm sure you know Olga.. that life is a process, contain thoughts, dreams and much more. Our dreams influenced by our thoughts,feelings wishes... in processes of LIFE... When there's a change, also our dreams can change. Also our dreams can influence our thoughts, or reality. I once took a decision, by using my dream as the BEST advice. Even, if there's a subject that come and goes in dreams, a subject that occupied your mind when you are awake... the way it may appears in a dream can change, if the thoughts in wakefulness are changing. I feel it on myself, in my dreams. In the last 7 years, I deal more with my dreams, and I feel the change in dreams too. Love & light.. NIRA.