• Mandy Thomas
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 57 of 89
  • Added 09 Oct 2009
  • 1 Favorite
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leopard 2

painted in waters pastels gels


Anonymous Guest

Wia Kotze 03 Nov 2010

I love your beautiful big cats!

Artist Reply: me too wia.....thanks

Ingrid Stiehler 11 Jan 2010

Extraordinary realistic - like a photograph - wonderful!!!

Artist Reply: not really like a photo as there are many flaws and the colours are not realistic ...its just my approach to the big cats as i love em....thanks for dropping by again.wishing you all the best for this new tiger year

alina martinez-beatriz 16 Dec 2009

beautiful work!

Artist Reply: thnak you so much alina....and you have a very beautiful name. have a good christmas

ruth sears 09 Oct 2009

I love him you did an absolutely brilliant job on this one.

Artist Reply: thanks again ruth yes this one worked well i thought

mark farrell 09 Oct 2009

excellent!! nice work on the fur!!

Artist Reply: it took forever lol
Artist Reply: Thanks Mark