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22 September, 2020

Hi I’m look a good way in makin a good night time scene any one good ideas for making a convincing night scene


Fred Rousseau 23 Sep 2020

Ray.The most convincing night scene is a canvas painted pitch black.Well,if you add a burning candle and a bottle of wine lastmentioned will cast a shadow.If you add another candle on the other side of the bottle it will cast another shadow.If the first candle burns brighter than the second candle it will be known as the main source of light and the shadow will be darker than that casted by the second candle which will become the secondary source of light.This is the whole essence of night scenes.The moon could be the main source of light but in New York City the moon will not be brighter than all the street and advertisement lights to light up buildings,people,cars and causing all their shadows.If the light source is directly above a subject there would be virtually no shadow and if the light source is further down the shadows will become more elongated.Whoops,this is getting involved. Anyway,night scenes,like day scenes need good planning as far as composition etc,is concerned but colours will differ and depending on the brightness of light sources a red car will not necessarily appear as red...and depending on the various light sources there could be lots of shadows with the play of reflected light and secondary shadows etc. Have a look at my oil painting titled "The Mignight Race" in my ArtWanted Portfolio.Although the scene is only lit by the moon at midnight I have made use of a term called "Artist's Licence" and some imagination to make the onlooker to have something to look at.Otherwise it would have been only the outlines of the animals in a somewhat dark night with some moonlight to make things slightly visible.Whoops,but art is a challenge,Imagine the beauty of a rainy night scene and all the reflections on a wet tarmac street surface and other surfaces.Can't wait to paint that.If you have specific questions,please ask,I'm willing to help but remember I would not always have all the answers.Goog painting,Ray
