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16 October, 2008

This PEACE Group Is So Important

Greetings To You All,

First, many thanks to Nira for setting up this art group. A very necessary one indeed.

Look around, and not too far you will see something beautiful. A young child's sweet face, an older person with a smile, people walking hand in hand, a handshake between two long lost friends reunited, a little boy with his beloved dog, a new flower blooming even in the largest of cities, the sun riding to provide warmth, the sun setting telling us it is time for well deserved rest, and the list goes on. We do live in a wonderful world. We all share this wonderful world. All people are capable of love and understanding. Let that show - 100% - and there can be peace on this earth.

In these times of many challenges, artists have a special medium to convey the message of peace. Artwork is something everyone looks at, whether or not that is realized. Artwork can serve as a reminder to us all that everyone has it in her/him to love and understand purely.

Indeed, if one REALLY tries, if one REALLY gives peace a chance, he/she will be an equal partner in the creation of true peace.