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15 January, 2005
  • Mike Sankey

Latest Comment...

ery true kathleen keely (or whatever hes neme is) still has a 1 and a 2 on my images...

11 January, 2005
  • Richard Murch
  • 11 Jan 2005

Original Post: A new "ban" feature needed

I want to make a recommendation to add a new feature for artists and members. We need a software feature we can ban a member from commenting or making rude remarks about our artwork. While I am the first person to protect freedom of speech, there is also a line where protection of our intellectual property and artwork is needed. Helpful criticism is good and useful, healthy  lies, and the lunatic fringe is what we need protection from. I believe the experiences in the last few days of recent artists will support this.

I am interested in any comments.
