06 August, 2024
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Updated Point System for Member Activity Points

ArtWanted likes to reward our members for being active on the website. We do this with our Member Activity Points system. We have identified a dozen or so activities on ArtWanted that will earn you points.

We have spent some time reviewing this system and made some changes to the points we have been awarding. We have updated the points for each activity. We are now giving more points to things like uploading new artwork and entering the art contests. We have also adjusted the points on activities that are very simple to do, like voting on an Art Duel.

New Activity Points

Here is the new breakdown of activity points that went into effect for August 2024 forward:

100 Points - For each new image you upload in your portfolio for the month (max 10 images – 1,000 points)
100 Points - Entering your artwork in any art contest
50 Points - Starting a new discussion on the message boards or artist group boards
50 Points - Joining an existing artist group or starting a new artist group
25 Points – Start following a new artist on ArtWanted
25 Points - Responding to an existing discussion on the message boards or artist group board
10 Points - Posting a comment on another artist's artwork
10 Points - Posting a comment on an art contest entry
5 Points - Each vote you give to any entry in an art contest or idea on the Idea Board
5 Points - Responding to a comment you received on your art
5 Points - Adding an image in your portfolio to any artist group
5 Points - Adding any image to your Favorite Images list
1/10th Point - Voting for an image in an Art Duel (1 point for every 10 votes)

Activity Scorecard

The most active and involved members of ArtWanted.com are shown on a our Activity Scorecard that is updated daily. These top members are rewarded with additional exposure and links to their portfolio from this new page of the website. You can view the report at any time to see where you rank in your activity compared to other members of the website. This report also resets each month, giving everyone more chances to be on the list.

Promotional Rewards

We also reward our most active members with additional exposure and promotion through our social media sites. The top 25 most active members of each month will have one piece of their artwork promoted on at least one of our social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram and/or Pinterest pages the following month. Your artwork will be seen by thousands of our social media followers.


We want to thank all of our members that are participating in the ArtWanted.com community and we encourage those that have not been so far to get involved. Everyone benefits when there is more involvement in the community and we hope this new program will get people even more excited to be a part of ArtWanted.com. Check out the Activity Scorecard to see where you rank today, and increase your rank by getting more involved. Thanks!

As always, if you have any feedback or questions about this new program, simply reply to this message with your comments.



Blonde Blythe 07 Aug 2024

Well done! I agree with the updates to the Member Activity Points system, with one exception: I think voting for an image in Art Duel should be 1/2 of a point instead of 1/10th of a point, which I think is way too low.

ArtWanted.com Staff 08 Aug 2024

Thanks for your feedback Blonde Blythe. With this recent round of point value changes, we really took a look at the time each activity took to do and the work involved. Because it's possible to vote for thousands of art duels in an hour, we decided to rank that activity with a much power point value than before. Other activities that really help the community grow (like adding new art and contest entries) are rewarded with more points. However, please keep the feedback coming, we are always open to tweaking the points, based on enough member feedback.

Scott Alexander Jack 08 Aug 2024

I think the adjustment of points is a good idea. That being said, it might have been nice to inform members about this the last week of July instead of almost a full week after the changes were made.

ArtWanted.com Staff 08 Aug 2024

Scott, you are not wrong, that would have been preferred. We were hoping to have all the code changes to the point system done by the end of July and live on Aug. 1st, but it took an extra week to rollout the changes. We apologize for the confusion this may have caused.

Mark Peterson 08 Aug 2024

The system needed some changes and an update and now that I see the Blog post I'm not confused anymore... like Scott I never saw a post about changes. Also I agree with Blonde Blythe... 1/10th of a point point for the art duel seems a bit low. I like her 1/2 point idea ~

Blonde Blythe 08 Aug 2024

Thank you, Mark Peterson! There's no way I can vote for thousands of images in Art Duel in one hour. I might be able to do 200 at the most; rather than speeding through the process, I prefer to carefully look at the artwork before voting. It's very discouraging to know that my votes will now only be worth 1/10th of a point--hardly seems worth it.

ArtWanted.com Staff 09 Aug 2024

Please keep the feedback coming.
