Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Loren D Adams,DULCIE DEE,Miss Timea Gondosch

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
27 September, 2020
  • Staff

THEME: The Color Purple

DESCRIPTION: The theme of this art contest is THE COLOR PURPLE. Submit your own drawing, painting or photograph with the main/focus color being PURPLE. This color must be the main focus of your artwork. Any subject or medium will do for this contest, just color it green!

VOTING STARTS: 19-Oct-2020

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Artwork that does not have the main/focus color being purple will be removed.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good Luck!


41 Contest Entries

Loren D Adams 18 Oct 2020

This is "Of Joy and Passion" 36"x 60" original oil painting on fine linen

DULCIE DEE 28 Sep 2020

Here's my entry "Lavande de Provence" for the color purple contest. Hope you like it.

Miss Timea Gondosch 27 Sep 2020

Hi. I'd love to join the contest!

Junior Mclean 27 Sep 2020

I have chosen to post one of my oldest fractal , abstract artworks I made in 2007 also from time to time sold as digital prints based on the theme purple. Entitled: The Cosmic Birth


J Kong 29 Sep 2020

desire (27 x 38 cm ,gouache on paper, 2019finished) Will the future be better? The little koala turns to people and holds out a friendly hand.

marie-claire gallet 27 Sep 2020

Some flowers for you. Hope you will enjoy.

Christine Cholowsky 27 Sep 2020

Whispers Of Love Acrylic on Stretched Canvas

Henny Adank 27 Sep 2020

Purple tulips

MKFlood 27 Sep 2020

Tak-Sek Chan 11 Oct 2020

Iris tectorum, June 10, 2006

cervantes wu 27 Sep 2020

although the beetle is not purple, the flowers are

Padmavathy Ragavendran 30 Sep 2020

Purple sunset street view

Didi Baev 18 Oct 2020

This image is a portrait of a purple iris from my garden.

Marie josé LAURIER 27 Sep 2020


Aldo Marano 27 Sep 2020

O. Yemi Tubi 09 Oct 2020

My painting "PRINCE: Purple Rain; Music Rain" is the perfect answer to the theme of this art contest which is THE COLOR PURPLE. Prince Rogers Nelson, an American music superstar, famously simply known as Prince serenaded his fans with his music for many years. With his falsetto singing voice and flamboyant stage appearances, music lovers around the world enjoyed the outpouring music rain of Prince. “Purple Rain”- One of Prince’s award-winning albums inspired me to create this painting titled “Purple Rain Music Rain.” The general theme of my works is ‘The Facts of Life’ (Roses and Thorns). I used the purple flowers in this painting to depict Prince’s successful career as the rosy time of his life. The thorns in his life were the contract restraints with Warner Brothers when he could not produce records with his name – Prince for a short time. The death of his son, the end of his marriage with Mayte Garcia and the accidental drugs overdose that brought an end to his life and his successful music career are the thorns of life.

Tatjana Prelog 03 Oct 2020

So, here's my contest entry - created with imagination with Bryce 7. Purple isn't as usual "playground" in Bryce but sometimes I play with this color too.

Elena Sokolova 27 Sep 2020

Wisteria, oil, canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm

Rickwaynne123 RepassRickwaynne123 02 Oct 2020

Ranefox 05 Oct 2020

Lavender Swirl. 10" x 10" canvas - acrylic pour painting

More contest entries on the next page...