02 December, 2020
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Pending Orders now show in Bank Account Area

We are happy to see so many of our members selling art on ArtWanted. These sales are bringing extra income to artists and we are thrilled to be a part of this.

We have updated the ArtWanted Bank account page to now show any pending orders of your artwork. This new section will show the buyers name, product description, quantity and pending commission amount.

In the past, the sales only showed on this page after they were shipped to the buyer, but now you can instantly see when you get an order for your art. We will continue to email you about any sales you have after the product has shipped to the buyer.

As these pending orders are shipped to the buyers, the commission amount will be deposited into your ArtWanted bank account. You can then use those funds for ArtWanted purchases or request a commission payment.

If you haven't created a 2021 calendar to sell yet or added sales information to your normal art, what are you waiting for?



Jeff Bogue 05 Dec 2020

Can make calendar orders 500 or more with selection of my drawings on each month.

genka bliznashka 07 Dec 2020

How I can open bank account with Art wanted Thank you,Genka

ArtWanted.com Staff 07 Dec 2020

Genka - All members automatically have an ArtWanted Bank Account, so there is nothing extra you have to do. As you make sales on ArtWanted, your commissions will be added to your Bank Account area.

Jeff Bogue 18 Dec 2020

I am not setup with paypal, is there an option to setup with another such as my bank?

ArtWanted.com Staff 19 Dec 2020

Jeff - We can also mail you a check and Venmo is an option that is coming soon. We do not do bank transfers, due to the high cost of doing this that eats into your commission amount.

Barb Schindel 04 Feb 2021

Very sorry asking so many questions. Need to 1.when buyer want to purchase, where or how do they submit order?

2. On my end where or how do I get customer info to ship out his order ?

Any info would be great. New to site Thanks

Barb [email protected]

Lucia Stewart 01 Mar 2021

I hope it is okay to post here.

Just like you have a 'Daily artist image upload' page in the browse section, it would be equally awesome to see a "Recent sale" page. I would be interesting to see which artists are selling prints and or products here.
