






Artist Bio

Michelle Fayant I grew up in a creative home in the Northwest and began sketching portraits and figurative art at an early age. Later art took a back seat to raising my children and for nearly 20 years I rarely found time to draw. At the insistance of a close friend and fellow fine artist, I took up oil painting at the age of 45 for the first time. I immediately fell in love with the process and began painting with a fervor, turning my home into an 'art studio'. Paintings hung on every available space, some finished, some in progress, and canvases everywhere.

I was pleased to find that pieces were begining to be spoken for immediately some even before the paint is dry. Commisioned requests have begun coming in also. It is a lifelong dream come true.

Art in some form has alway been a part of my life. Having worked as a clothing designer, and home designer in the years in between. I have found that i see the world and the human form with 'a different set of eyes'. I also have a deeply spiritual side, and a playful nature, born to a Native father who had more than a dose of coyote/trickster in him. I hope that it all shows through in my paintings. The intent is to leave a piece of my heart on each piece of my art. I hope you enjoy!

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