






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I've been drawing ever since I can remember. I remember my exact thoughts as I made my first serious peice of art with the intention of creating rather than scribbling or doodling. I just wanted to show the world or rather the special people in my life (who are my world) exactly what I see in my mind. The funny thing is that in all my years or being an artist, I have never been able to put what I see on paper or any other medium. For that reason, I find it very difficult to share my artwork because in my eyes, it's weak. Only 2 people have seen all of my artwork even though I have an extensive collection. I love this site because of the creativity and originality I get to see in everyone else that inspires me to continue. I will try to add more of my work soon. Never liked school art because there's nothing to be taught really- everything is to be learned. Originally, my specialty was pencil but recently my skills have been developing in all different directions.

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